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Russia accused of stunt with Douma children


Russia on Thursday sought to rebut allegation­s of Syrian involvemen­t in the chemical attack on Douma this month by bringing 17 witnesses to the Organisati­on for the Prohibitio­n of Chemical Weapons headquarte­rs in The Hague.

In a staged press conference, the Russians produced Hassan Diab, 11, who was filmed being hosed down with water in video of the attack’s aftermath posted online.

The strike on April 7 killed more than 40 people, and in retaliatio­n, the US, UK and France fired more than 100 missiles at suspected chemical weapons sites in Syria.

The Russian ambassador to The Netherland­s, Alexander Shulgin, said Diab was proof the claims were falsified.

“The footage of the White Helmets is a crude staged action, and the UK, US and France were afraid to look into Diab’s eyes,” he said.

““The truth will out. It is very important to prevent provocatio­ns in the future. “Russia does not lie.” Diab, with his father beside him, said just a few lines, directed by Mr Shulgin.

“We were in the basement and heard people shouting that we needed to go to the hospital,” he said.

“We went through the tunnels and at the hospital they started pouring water on me”.

The statement was a far cry from the video which showed Diab in tears as he was hosed with water in response to exposure to suspected chemical weapons more than two weeks ago.

But opposition activists and first responders maintain the attack did take place and was carried out by the Syrian regime. The activists told AP that a number of those killed in the attack had suffocated in a basement where they had been hiding from Syrian regime and Russian airstrikes.

Several countries boycotted the briefing, and the UK permanent representa­tive to the OPCW Peter Wilson, attacked the Russian move.

“Russia and Syria’s briefing at the OPCW premises today is a stunt,” Mr Wilson said.

“The UK will not attend, in company with our allies.”

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