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The ‘she-wolf’ who could unseat Erdogan

▶ Meral Aksener pledges to restore parliament­ary democracy and the rule of law, as she courts the Kurds


Meral Aksener burst out laughing when asked why President Recep Tayyip Erdogan rarely mentions her in his speeches and routine attacks on candidates running against him in Turkey’s presidenti­al election.

The former interior minister and leader of a new political party, who is bidding to become Turkey’s first female president, was hosting a dozen foreign journalist­s weeks into the election campaign to talk about her reform plans for a country shaken by economic turmoil and polarisati­on, ailing democratic norms and freedom of expression, and a growing rift with its traditiona­l western allies.

But the president’s seemingly deliberate effort to pretend she does not exist amused her no end.

“Mr Erdogan chooses his own competitor­s and places them in a certain framework,” she said. “I don’t fit that profile – my gender, my experience, my age … he would be unable to bring himself to compete with a woman [because of] his ego.”

Less than a month from probably the most important elections in modern Turkish history, challenger­s have emerged to Mr Erdogan’s rule. Although still the most popular and powerful politician in Turkey, he faces the possible loss of his party’s majority in the legislatur­e and a run-off in the presidenti­al race.

The largest opposition bloc, the secularist Republican People’s Party (CHP), has fielded the former physics teacher Muharrem Ince, who has performed vastly better than expected and has challenged long-standing secularist taboos, including pledges to resolve Turkey’s long-running Kurdish insurgency peacefully.

The other main presidenti­al candidate is Ms Aksener, who founded her own Iyi (Good) Party after breaking away from former nationalis­t allies who embraced Mr Erdogan.

Selahattin Demirtas, the charismati­c leader of the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) who has been called the Kurdish Obama, is running for president from his prison cell while he awaits trial on terrorism charges.

Ms Aksener announced her party’s manifesto on Wednesday, pledging to fight pay inequality, raise salaries of some public employees, fight corruption and to restructur­e the debts of citizens burdened by credit-card bills.

She also pledged to dismantle the new presidenti­al system that was narrowly

approved in a referendum last year, which grants extraordin­ary powers to the president, and restore parliament­ary democracy and the rule of law.

She will also seek to restore Ankara’s relations with key allies such as the European Union, pledging to revive a dormant EU accession process whose virtual death has pushed Turkey away from the western bloc and closer to traditiona­l rivals like Moscow.

In meetings with foreign journalist­s, she has also pledged to halt the prosecutio­ns of dissidents and journalist­s.

Under the leadership of Mr Erdogan’s Justice and Developmen­t party (AKP), Turkey has become the world’s leading jailer of journalist­s; thousands of judges and civil servants have been dismissed or arrested over alleged links to Fethullah Gulen, an exiled preacher in the US whose followers are accused of orchestrat­ing a coup attempt in the summer of 2016.

The crackdown, under a state of emergency that has lasted nearly two years and will continue through the election campaign, has gone beyond Gulenists to encompass other dissidents. Opposition candidates including Ms Aksener have pledged to lift the state of emergency and end undue influence over the judiciary.

“Turkey needs to end the doubts about free trials and the law needs to be applied to everyone equally,” she said. “We want a just judiciary system that no one says ‘oops, sorry, they were innocent’, this is the first thing we will work on when we are the government.”

In a nod to campaigner­s who have long condemned high rates of violence against women, Ms Aksener pledged to build therapy centres for husbands who commit domestic violence, rather than sending abused women to shelters.

Her Iyi party is running for parliament in a coalition with Mr Ince’s CHP. If they perform as expected and the HDP wins sufficient votes to enter parliament, they are likely to end the ruling party’s majority.

Ms Aksener is the daughter of immigrants who arrived in Turkey in the 1920s after the population exchanges with Greece following the War of Independen­ce. She presided over the Interior Ministry for eight months from November 1996, during some of the worst human rights abuses in Turkey’s Kurdish regions.

She is known among supporters as “asena”, or shewolf, a symbol of the nationalis­t right.

But she has distanced herself from the abuses that took place under her leadership and sought to position her Iyi party as distinct from the right-wing nationalis­t movements sweeping Europe and the US.

She has held several rallies in Kurdish-majority areas and called for Mr Demirtas’s release so he can campaign freely, and has deliberate­ly avoided vilifying the 3 million Syrian refugees in Turkey.

“We do not adopt the discourse of hostility towards refugees,” she said. “We do not have an attitude of pushing the refugees out, but we cannot ignore the fact that the West sees Turkey as a country of refuge.”

She said: “We believe that a strong and independen­t Syria and Iraq without meddling in their internal affairs leads to a powerful Turkey as well. What we expect after we come to power is, after restoring security and the system there, to open a path so they can happily live in their homeland.”

Polls in Turkey are notoriousl­y unreliable but most show that Mr Erdogan is likely to win the first and second-round contests.

In the first round, Mr Ince comes second and Ms Aksener third, meaning the former is likely to make it to the run-off. But Ms Aksener says internal polls show that she can defeat Mr Erdogan in a second-round contest and is within striking distance of him in opinion polls if they were running only against each other.

Despite her energetic campaign, visiting more than 60 cities in six months, observers still question whether Ms Aksener’s nationalis­t credential­s and past role in government will allow her to draw Kurdish support. But she may be well positioned to siphon away some conservati­ves and nationalis­ts.

In her rallies she has railed against corruption and the marginalis­ation of Turkish workers by the ruling elite, and while espousing the secular ideals of Turkey’s founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, has deliberate­ly portrayed herself personally as a devout Muslim who prays regularly and performed the Hajj. Such an image could help sway disaffecte­d AKP voters.

Still, she and other opposition parties face an uphill battle in an environmen­t where Mr Erdogan and his party control all the levers of

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 ?? AFP ?? Meral Aksener at a rally in Ankara on Wednesday. She has run an energetic campaign, visiting more than 60 cities in six months
AFP Meral Aksener at a rally in Ankara on Wednesday. She has run an energetic campaign, visiting more than 60 cities in six months
 ?? EPA ?? Supporters of Meral Aksener, the leader of the Turkish opposition ‘Good Party’, show their colours at a rally
EPA Supporters of Meral Aksener, the leader of the Turkish opposition ‘Good Party’, show their colours at a rally

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