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‘Crypto-jacking’ is an increasing global cybersecur­ity issue, costing consumers and big organisati­ons millions of dollars


Is the web browser on your phone slower than usual? It could be mining bitcoin for criminals.

As the popularity of virtual currencies has grown, hackers are focusing on a new type of heist: putting malicious software on peoples’ handsets, TVs and smart fridges that makes them mine for digital money.

So-called “crypto-jacking” attacks have become a growing problem in the cybersecur­ity industry, affecting both consumers and organisati­ons. Depending on the severity of the attack, victims may notice only a slight drop in processing power, often not enough for them to think it’s a hacking attack. But that can add up to a lot of processing power over a period of months or if, say, a business’s entire network of computers is affected.

“We saw organisati­ons whose monthly electricit­y bill was increased by hundreds of thousands of dollars,” says Maya Horowitz, threat intelligen­ce group manager for Checkpoint, a cybersecur­ity company.

Hackers try to use victims’ processing power because that is what’s needed to create – or “mine” – virtual currencies. In virtual currency mining, computers are used to make the complex calculatio­ns that verify a running ledger of all the transactio­ns in virtual currencies around the world.

Crypto-jacking is not only done by installing malicious software. It can also be done through a web browser. The victim visits a website, which latches onto the victim’s computer processing power to mine digital currencies as long as they are on the website. When the victim switches, the mining ends. Some websites, including, have tried to do it legitimate­ly and been transparen­t about it. For three months this year, Salon removed ads from its sites in exchange for users allowing them to mine virtual currencies.

Industry experts first noted crypto-jacking as a threat in 2017, when virtual currency prices were skyrocketi­ng to record highs.

The number of crypto-jacking cases soared from 146,704 worldwide in September to 22.4 million in December, according to anti-virus developer Avast. It has only continued to increase, to 93 million in May, it says.

The first big case emerged in September and centered on Coinhive, a legitimate business that let website owners make money by allowing customers to mine virtual currency instead of relying on advertisin­g revenue. Hackers quickly began to use the service to infect vulnerable websites with miners, most notably YouTube and nearly 50,000 Wordpress websites, according to research conducted by Troy Mursch, a researcher on crypto-jacking.

Mr Mursch says Monero is the most popular virtual currency among cyber-criminals. A report by cybersecur­ity company Palo Alto Networks estimates that over 5 per cent of Monero was mined through crypto-jacking. That is worth almost $150 million dollars and doesn’t count mining that occurs through browsers. In the majority of attacks, hackers infect as many devices as possible, a method experts calls “spray and pray”.

“Basically, everyone with a (computer processing unit) can be targeted by crypto-jacking,” says Ismail Belkacim, a developer of an applicatio­n that prevents websites from mining virtual currencies.

As a result, some hackers target organisati­ons with large computing power. In what they believe might be the biggest crypto-jacking attack so far, Checkpoint discovered in February that a hacker had been exploiting a vulnerabil­ity in a server that over several months generated over $3m in Monero.

Crypto-jackers have also recently targeted organisati­ons that use cloud-based services, in which a network of servers is used to process and store data, providing more

computing power to companies who haven’t invested in extra hardware.

Abusing this service, crypto-jackers use as much power as the cloud will allow them to, maximising their gains. For businesses, this results in slower performanc­e and higher energy bills.

Martin Hron, a security researcher at Avast, says that besides the rise in interest in virtual currencies, there are two main reasons for the rise in attacks.

First, crypto-jacking scripts require little skill to implement. Readymade computer code that automates crypto-mining is easy to find with a Google search, along with tips on the vulnerabil­ities of devices.

Second, crypto-jacking is harder to detect and is more anonymous than other hacks. Unlike ransomware, in which victims have to transfer money to regain access to their computers blocked by hackers, a victim of crypto-jacking might never know their computer is being used to mine currency. And as currency generated by crypto-jacking goes straight into a hacker’s encrypted wallet, the cyber-criminal leaves less of a trail.

Both Apple and Google have started to ban applicatio­ns that mine virtual currencies on their devices. But Mr Hron, the Avast researcher, warns that the risk is growing as more everyday devices are connected to the internet – from ovens to home lighting systems – and that these are often the least secure. Mr Hron says that cheaply made Chinese devices were particular­ly easy to hack.

Some experts say new techniques like artificial intelligen­ce can help get a faster response to suspicious software.

That’s what Texthelp, an education technology company, used when it was infected with a crypto-jacker, says Martin McKay, the company’s chief technology officer.

“The risk was mitigated for all customers within a period of four hours.”

But security researcher Mr Mursch says that these precaution­s won’t be enough.

“They might reduce the impact,” he says, “But I don’t think we’re going to stop it.”

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