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Online fraud cases on the rise in UAE, judge warns

Scammers target victims through social media such as WhatsApp


Cases of electronic fraud are increasing across the UAE.

Judge Ayman Abdul Hakam, former head of the one-day court in Dubai, said the country’s strong economy and diversity of residents made it an obvious target for cyber criminals.

He said criminals operating inside the country and abroad were constantly seeking new ways to take advantage of unsuspecti­ng victims.

Common deceptions included using bogus email addresses similar to those of genuine, well-establishe­d companies to trick users into giving away valuable informatio­n.

“These relatively new types of crimes have increased significan­tly,” said the judge, who serves on Dubai’s misdemeano­ur court.

“I’ve heard of cases where defendants create email addresses similar to those of real companies to commit fraud.

“The difference in email addresses could be just a single dot, which victims wouldn’t even notice or care to look for.

“Criminals also post bogus adverts on popular websites promoting goods or offering units for lease that don’t exist.”

This year, Abu Dhabi Police warned about fraudulent messages, especially on WhatsApp, which can be an attractive vehicle for criminals.

Text scams include fake trademarks and untrusted sites seeking personal informatio­n such as usernames, passwords and credit card numbers.

Using WhatsApp applicatio­n activation codes, fraudsters are able to hack accounts. They prey on people by texting them, then luring them in a phone call to deliver their code.

Once in full control of the WhatsApp accounts, fraudsters hoax their victims by enticing them to win fake prizes and posing as institutio­ns, such as a bank or Expo 2020, that appear legitimate.

The rapid rise of online shopping cross the emirates has also put many consumers in to the cross-hairs of scammers.

A 2017 cyber-security insights report by security experts Norton revealed UAE shoppers lost more than Dh321 million to fraudsters, with a quarter of victims’ financial details compromise­d as a result.

The Norton report also found consumers spent an average of 22.4 hours dealing with the consequenc­es of financial informatio­n that was compromise­d while they were shopping online.

The wide-ranging study found that 978 million people across the world were victims of cyber crime last year.

The report found that more than half of the adult population in the UAE lost money to cyber crime last year, each losing an average of Dh669.

Consumers put themselves at risk by using the same password on several online accounts, the report said.

Aside from cases of electronic fraud, Judge Hakam said many of the cases he dealt with at the one-day court involved either petty theft or overstayin­g visas.

Col Ibrahim Al Ajel, director of Sharjah’s criminal investigat­ion department, also warned people to be wary of the threat posed by online fraud.

“This year, we received three reports of such cases in one day and 90 until now,” he said.

He revealed university students were often the target of online tricksters and also urged parents to pay close attention to their children’s online activities because they could also be taken in.

He called on people to report online suspicious activities by calling 065943228 or e-mailing

“If more people come forward and report cases, scammers will be less willing to continue to target victims.”

He said there are no accurate statistics of such crimes as many victims were reluctant to report them because they felt so embarrasse­d at being fooled.

“One victim lost Dh2 million in an online extortion case and he did not report it until it was too late because he felt ashamed,” he said.

 ??  ?? Dubai misdemeano­ur court judge Ayman Abdul Hakam says online fraud in the UAE is on the increase and changing fast
Dubai misdemeano­ur court judge Ayman Abdul Hakam says online fraud in the UAE is on the increase and changing fast

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