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Lessons to be learnt from the 2008 debt crisis take us all back to the classroom

- PETER COOPER Peter Cooper has been writing about Gulf finance for more than two decades

It takes a while to digest Big Debt

Crises, the latest thought-provoking book from the founder of Bridgewate­r Associates, Ray Dalio. A hedge fund multi-billionair­e who these days focuses on the bigger picture of investing rather than dayto-day management.

His research team has painstakin­gly analysed the big debt crises of the past 100 years, finding remarkably repetitiou­s patterns in how they develop and how central banks handle these cataclysmi­c phenomena.

The conclusion that emerges from this huge pile of data is that the 2007-09 debt crisis was remarkably like the one that led to the Great Crash of 1929, and the subsequent Great Depression of the early 1930s. A crash such as the one that happened in 1937 may be what comes next for us now. Back then stocks fell by 60 per cent and did not recover for a decade.

However, the major difference between 2007-09 and the early 30s was the way the authoritie­s responded to the crisis. In the first crisis they took several years before they came to grips with it and took any appropriat­e scaled response.

Thankfully by the time the 2007-09 debacle came around, Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner and Henry Paulson proved to be a uniquely qualified trio to deal with the problem.

Federal Reserve chairman Mr Bernanke was a lifetime student of the Great Depression, Treasury Secretary Mr Paulson, as a former chairman and chief executive of Goldman Sachs knew markets and Wall Street backwards, and New York Fed president Mr Geithner was a star of the regulatory community.

The three also got on well.

By acting fast, furiously and mobilising trillions of dollars, there was not a second Great Depression, rather a somewhat frustratin­gly slow but very long recovery. Author Dalio admits he was impressed at the time, but did not know whether the trio would succeed in their quest – and he was quite the commentato­r.

At one point in the financial crisis, the three men took one of Dalio’s daily notes – which said they were doing all the right things – to show then president Barack Obama that they were on the right track.

It could have all turned out very differentl­y. Dalio recalls how close the economy sailed towards complete disaster.

He actually stayed well-hedged and missed early opportunit­ies because he was not very sure that it would work out.

How many experts got their commentari­es right at the time? It was easy to reason that those now running the show were the same guys who had got us into trouble, and that did not give good reason to believe they would be any better at managing the crisis.

Other experts were overly concerned about the inflationa­ry effect of money printing on such a massive scale. In truth, the hole in the US national balance sheet was so big it could absorb almost any amount of money for many years.

Still, the famous trio were right. The more important question is where we are going from here.

In television interviews to launch the book, Dalio is quite circumspec­t: no major crash for a couple of years but correction­s possible; the US dollar could easily devalue 30 per cent from here; but a recession will follow.

Nonetheles­s, in the book he provides a historic parallel by looking at the debt crisis of 1937.

It occurred when the Fed began to raise interest rates as the economy began to recover strongly from the 1929-33 crisis.

In 1937, the US stock market dropped 60 per cent, and it did not return to the same level for a decade.

With global rearmament for the Second World War, industrial commoditie­s were the place to be after that, not equities and other real assets that benefited from inflation such as land, property and precious metals.

If that sounds an unlikely scenario today, then don’t forget that Chinese stocks have already dropped 60 per cent over the past three years. The oil price has almost doubled over the past year. Copper is around 10 per cent more expensive than a year ago.

A third world war is thankfully not a realistic scenario. But the rise of nationalis­m and populism is very much a by-product of debt crises and their creation of inequality and social stress.

Meanwhile, warnings about the massive overvaluat­ion of Wall Street, and by extension European stock markets, are not hard to find, and the high volatility in markets so far this October is ominous.

Still, with new all-time highs being struck again and again this year, the mythical Greek forecaster Cassandra has lost most of her credibilit­y.

Yet the cyclical nature of stock markets is a fact of life, not sorcery.

What goes up and up, will eventually come down. It always does. Knowing exactly when this will happen is impossible. But you can prepare for it, and not leave yourself hopelessly exposed with debts up to your eyeballs, when the inevitable happens.

Dalio is an old master with a $17 billion fortune to prove it.

Yet, even he does not pretend to have all the answers, or to know the future. But he does know the past, and in the book he casually mentions how well this has served him before.

What I liked most about Big Debt

Crises is its clear and logical analysis of historical events from a global macroecono­mic perspectiv­e with investment in mind.

Normal history books understand­ably do this in passing, not as a central focus. If nothing else, I thought Dalio’s account of the last financial crisis is the best I have read.

How far his review of the 1937 crisis will help in understand­ing what may lie ahead for us is harder to say, and Dalio does not really try.

He looks across the probabilit­y of various scenarios and attempts to successful­ly hedge them, while leaving the maximum potential upside.

It’s what any successful hedge fund manager would do, and Dalio is arguably the most successful of them all as he runs the biggest hedge fund in the world.

Ray Dalio has painstakin­gly analysed the big debt crises of the past 100 years, finding many repetitiou­s patterns

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