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Why rebranding is a necessary evolution


My business partner and I were discussing rebranding one of our ventures, and the right timing for it became a key considerat­ion. When is rebranding necessary? Should you wait until a certain time has passed? Is one year too short?

Some people are confused about what encompasse­s branding. They think it is limited to a logo, a name, and a colour palette. But it is more than that. It is the sum of a vision. It is who you are without having to explain yourself.

Because businesses and brands evolve with time, rebranding is not only important, but necessary. So, when is a good time?

In the case of our venture, it has evolved so much in the past year that we have to give it a facelift, so that our image is in sync with our mission and vision.

You may have started your business by publishing a lifestyle magazine, then gone on to publish a car magazine. But if your branding reflects your initial lifestyle magazine only, your customers will be missing out on a lot.

Unfortunat­ely, when it comes to business, people do judge a book by its cover. So first impression­s are everything. Your colour palette, or your choice of logo and font may be outdated, and that may be turning customers away.

Here are some important steps to consider when rebranding a business:

Evaluate your mission

Before paying the graphic designer, sit down with your team and evaluate your brand. You need to ask yourself some questions. What sets my business apart? How do we serve the community? Where do we see our brand in the next few years? What does our brand represent? How can we build a connection between the old and new branding?

The revised branding shouldn’t be completely different from the old one. There should be a transition so that customers can tell you are the same company.

Learn from competitio­n

Assess the market and see how the competitio­n is branding itself. What are the trends? For instance, the trend in branding right now is minimal and monotone colours. Many businesses are opting for sleek and minimal design options. When rebranding, it is essential that you keep current trends in mind, but do not follow a fad that will be outdated in a short period of time.

Involve others

A lot of people like the branding of a business to reflect their taste but that is not necessaril­y always a good idea. It is important for the brand to resonate with the target audience. Involve team members, ask for opinions from your target audience and take your time. This is one process you don’t want to rush. Some brands directly involve their audience in the design process. They ask them for their colour preference, what font they like, and what logos they would choose. Not only will brands receive constructi­ve feedback, but customers will also feel a sense of ownership by becoming a part of the brand’s journey.

Tell everyone

There is no point in paying all that money and rebranding your business if you do not tell your customers about it and why you did it. You can either inform your customers through a brand relaunch party, or through a social media campaign, but the point is to do it and not leave them confused.

Change in all its form is uncomforta­ble, especially when it is about first impression­s. Neverthele­ss, when it comes to branding, it is a change that we have to go through.

Manar Al Hinai is an awardwinni­ng Emirati entreprene­ur, who manages her creative consultanc­y in Abu Dhabi

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