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▶ Central Command head says America has the resources to respond and that all allies are on the same page


US Central Command head Gen Kenneth McKenzie has said his forces will have the necessary resources to stop Iran from “taking any action that might be dangerous”, Sky News Arabia reported.

The Abu Dhabi television channel quoted Gen McKenzie: “We communicat­e with our allies and friends in the region to ensure that we are united against the Iranian threat.

“I believe we’ll have the resources necessary to deter Iran from taking actions that will be dangerous. We will be able to respond effectivel­y,” he said.

The US general also said that reducing the number of US troops in Syria will be done cautiously.

“We recognise that, that’s the guidance in which we are operating. That will be something that we will look at very carefully as we go forward,” he said.

In Iraq, Gen McKenzie said the presence of US forces will remain long-term to combat terrorism. “America is working to support the State Department and diplomats in Iraq, and will focus on the counter-terror mission.”

Gen McKenzie said the best solution to combat terrorist groups was to establish “effective local forces”. He pointed out that US forces are in Yemen to combat Al Qaeda and to assist US allies in the region.

The general assumed Central Command leadership from Gen Joseph Votel in late March.

Last December, US President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of American forces from Syria, but backed down after shock reactions from allies in the region and the West. There was concern that the withdrawal of troops could destabilis­e a delicate status quo that is emerging and lead to a new wave of conflict.

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, that did much of the fighting on the ground against ISIS, expressed concern that if American troops left, Turkey – which views some of the Kurdish groups that make up a major part of the multi-ethnic force as terrorists – would launch a cross-border offensive.

Counter-terrorism experts said that while the ground war against ISIS was completed, the militant group remained a potent force and with SDF forces already overstretc­hed and continuing to battle sleeper cells, US forces leaving would allow the militants to resurface.

US officials also said that American forces were needed to ensure that Iran did not spread its presence farther in war-torn Syria where it heavily backs Damascus.

In February, the US said it was keeping about 400 of the original 2,000 soldiers in the field to maintain a foothold and support local partners.

This month Washington blackliste­d Iran’s Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps.

Mr Trump also demanded that buyers of Iranian oil stop purchases by May 1 or face sanctions, a move aimed at choking off Tehran’s oil revenues.

The US reimposed sanctions in November on exports of Iranian oil after Mr Trump pulled out of a 2015 accord between Iran and six world powers to curb Tehran’s nuclear programme.

Eight economies, including China and India, were granted waivers for six months, and several had expected those exemptions to be renewed.

 ?? AFP ?? US military presence in Manbij, northern Syria, where the threat of pro-Turkish armed forces has prompted calls for American troops not to withdraw
AFP US military presence in Manbij, northern Syria, where the threat of pro-Turkish armed forces has prompted calls for American troops not to withdraw

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