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North Korea criticises Japan’s trade row with Seoul

- Agence France-Presse

North Korea’s state media has criticised Japan for its recent trade restrictio­ns against Seoul over wartime slavery disputes, accusing Tokyo of “destroying the trend of peace” on the Korean peninsula.

After South Korea’s high court ordered Japanese companies that used forced labour to compensate Korean victims, Tokyo this month restricted the export of several chemicals to South Korea that are crucial to its world-leading chip and smartphone companies.

South Korea’s left-leaning President Moon Jae-in, who favours engagement with Pyongyang, has said Tokyo’s actions are “politicall­y motivated” and have caused an “unpreceden­ted emergency” for Seoul’s export-driven economy.

North Korea has repeatedly warned the South to stop “meddling” in nuclear talks between Pyongyang and Washington, but sided with Seoul in its trade row with Tokyo.

Japan is one of the most hawkish of the major powers about the nuclear-armed North – whose leader Kim Jong-un last month agreed to a resumption of dialogue with Tokyo and the US, Seoul’s major ally.

Japan is “trying to destroy the trend of peace on the Korean Peninsula by putting pressure on South Korea through the restrictio­ns”, said the North’s official Korean Central News Agency on Friday, describing Japan as its “sworn enemy”.

“The human, physical and emotional damage Japan has caused to the Korean people [during its colonial rule] cannot be compensate­d, even if the nation of Japan sacrifices itself.”

Pyongyang’s remarks came as a senior South Korean official said “all options” were open on the fate of a military intelligen­ce-sharing agreement known as GSOMIA – a pact that enables Seoul and Tokyo to share intelligen­ce regarding North Korea – if Japan does not withdraw its trade restrictio­ns.

Tension escalated on Friday as a South Korean man died after setting himself on fire outside the Japanese embassy in Seoul, and the Japanese foreign minister summoned the South Korean ambassador in Tokyo over the dispute.

South Korea and Japan are US allies, but relations between the two have long been strained over issues related to Tokyo’s brutal 1910-45 colonial rule of the Korean peninsula.

US President Donald Trump, who made a historic, impromptu stop on North Korean soil last month, said he remained ready to help South Korea and Japan solve their dispute.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, seen as a foreign policy hawk, has repeatedly asked Mr Trump to seek answers about the fate of Japanese people who Tokyo believes were abducted by Pyongyang.

North Korea has shown little interest in engagement with Tokyo – while its leader Mr Kim has had summits with world leaders including Mr Trump, China’s Xi Jinping, Russia’s Vladimir Putin and South Korea’s Mr Moon in recent years.

South Korea’s left-leaning President Moon Jae-in said Tokyo’s actions are ‘politicall­y motivated’

 ??  ?? South Korean President Moon Jae-in, right, ignores Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the G-20 summit in Japan in June
South Korean President Moon Jae-in, right, ignores Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the G-20 summit in Japan in June

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