The National - News

Venezuelan intelligen­ce agents face sanctions over torture of prisoner


Four Venezuelan military intelligen­ce officials faced US sanctions on Friday after being linked to the death in custody of a navy captain who was allegedly tortured.

Division Gen Rafael Ramon Blanco Marrero, Col Hannover Esteban Guerrero Mijares, Maj Alexander Enrique Granko Arteaga and Col Rafael Antonio Franco Quintero are senior officials of the General Directorat­e of Military Counterint­elligence, which was sanctioned as an entity on July 11.

“This action follows the arrest, physical abuse and death of Venezuelan Navy Capt Rafael Acosta Arevalo,” the US Treasury said.

Acosta was arrested in June over a plot to assassinat­e President Nicolas Maduro.

He died in custody eight days later, having earlier appeared in court showing signs of physical assault, the Treasury said.

“The DGCIM, including these officials, has been accused of systemic human rights abuses and repressing dissent,” the Treasury said.

The sanctions block commercial activities regarding any property controlled by the officials under US jurisdicti­on.

They also forbid any Americans or companies with a US presence from transactin­g business with them.

The Treasury said the sanctions were not necessaril­y permanent and could be lifted from people “who take concrete and meaningful actions to restore democratic order, refuse to take part in human rights abuses, speak out against abuses committed by the government and combat corruption in Venezuela”.

Washington is one of the main backers of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, who launched a challenge to Mr Maduro’s authority in January by declaring himself acting president.

Despite having the support of more than 50 countries, he has been unable to dislodge Mr Maduro, whom the opposition has branded a “usurper” over his re-election last year in a poll widely believed to have been rigged.

Representa­tives of the government and opposition are holding weekly meetings in Barbados, mediated by Norway, intended to resolve the country’s political crisis. The US Secretary of State

Maduro may rule but he will never govern – he has destroyed these people’s way of life MIKE POMPEO US Secretary of State

Mike Pompeo said Mr Maduro would “never govern that country again”.

“It will not happen. He may rule, he may for a moment control its military at some level, but he will never govern those people and he has destroyed their way of life,” he said.

Mr Guaido has repeatedly insisted that Mr Maduro must make way for new presidenti­al elections, a demand the socialist leader has rejected.

Mr Pompeo said “the Maduro regime is finished – it is only a matter of time before we can all begin to help the Venezuelan­s restore their democracy and restore their economy”.

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