The National - News



▶ Across 1. Light craft to move over the snow very loudly (5)

4. Water from Ancient Rome with spasmodic movement, still watery (7) 8. Coming down by degrees at such places as people put ashore (7-6) 10. With which to get a straight line to the man at the top (5)

11. Frolic with some vigour as a tomboy (4) 12. Ex-presidenti­al crossing (4)

16. Sign to go ahead that in woman will bring back memories (5)

17. Lock one away at an oil spillage between states (13)

19. Enlarge its potential form as nothing special (7)

20. Tenors, by the sound of them, appearing on staves? (5)

▶ Down

1. South African boy getting clothed by cook? (5,8)

2. A little matter one takes further (3) 3. In which brothers air changes in way one can cook (6)

4. Gleans from the guardian spirits (6) 5. Last of note in form of trust one puts into circulatio­n (6) 6. Desperatel­y grip to the high wire (9) 7. Fruits from the W Indies supplying their own topping? (7-6)

9. Is up to politician to admit he's not bright (9)

13. He makes himself a nuisance with tabletop mistake (6)

14. Dance cancelled? Incorrect delivery! (2,4)

15. Portion of the body twisting about in gore (6)

18. He's crazy to get turned on when bolting (3) ▶ Yesterday's solution Across 1. Wives 4. Milkman 8. Contacted 9. Lax 10. Ensigns 12. Glib 14. Rehouse 17. Envy 18. Persist 20. Ear 21. Garibaldi 23. Steered 24. Scrag Down 1. Wicket-keepers 2. Vanish 3. Spangled 4. Mat 5. Lads 6. Mildly 7. Next best thing 11. Swoop 13. Ascribes 15. Averse 16. Pillar 19. Igor 22. Red

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