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Reflect on the creation of the heavens and the Earth


Muslims need only look to the heavens to reflect on the Earth and see the work of Allah.

On Friday, the sermon will remind worshipper­s to be grateful for all they have, and the promise of life after death.

The Prophet Mohammed was told this by Allah when he was sleeping. His wife Ayesha said he had woken up to pray in the night but began to cry. When Bilal, one of his closest companions, came to give the call to fajr prayer, he saw the Prophet and asked him why he was upset. The Prophet read the verse that was just revealed to him: “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the Earth, and the alternatio­n of the night and the day are signs for those of understand­ing.” (Quran 3:190)

The sermon says that this is a call from Allah to Muslims to reflect on the creation of the heavens and Earth and to wonder at God’s creativity.

Describing creation of the heavens, Allah says in the Quran: “And the heaven We constructe­d with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.”

The heavens were made without pegs to fasten them and were lifted up without the use of pillars. They are described as a spacious courtyard suspended at a “tremendous height” and comprising seven layers.

“He made therein all the planets, the illuminati­ng stars, beautifyin­g the sky of this world,” the sermon says.

Muslims are advised to seek Allah’s help in developing the ability to gaze in contemplat­ion at His signs, reflect on His creations and increase their piety.

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