The National - News

Johnson’s bid for quick Brexit stalls

- CALLUM PATON Continued on page 10

An extraordin­ary sitting of the UK Parliament yesterday, expected to be a landmark in the Brexit saga, ended in defeat for Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

The House of Commons voted by a margin of 322 to 306 in favour of the so-called Letwin amendment, a significan­t blow to Mr Johnson’s hopes of quickly passing his new Brexit deal through Parliament.

However, the vote did not deliver the outright defeat of Mr Johnson’s agreement with the European Union. That vote will now go ahead next week after Conservati­ve MPs walked out of the chamber following the reversal.

The amendment, made by former Tory MP Sir Oliver Letwin, was introduced to withhold approval of the latest Brexit deal until legislatio­n to enact it has been passed in its entirety.

Mr Johnson was defiant in his response. “Alas, the opportunit­y to have a meaningful vote has effectivel­y been passed up because the meaningful vote has been voided of meaning,” he said.

“But I wish the House to know that I am not daunted or dismayed by this,” he said.

“I continue in the very strong belief that the best thing for the UK and for the whole of Europe is for us to leave with this new deal on October 31.”

The truncated exchange in the Commons after the defeat centred on whether Mr Johnson would now be legally required to ask the EU for an extension.

The British leader has said, “do or die”, he would take Britain out of the EU on October 31.

“To anticipate the questions that are coming from the benches opposite, I will not negotiate a delay with the EU,” the prime minister said, claiming he was under no legal obligation to do so.

The leader of the opposition Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn, called on the prime minister to rethink his statements.

“Today is a historic day for Parliament because it has said it will not be blackmaile­d by a prime minister,” he said.

“I invite him to think very carefully about the remarks he just made about refusing apparently to apply for the extension, which the EU number 2 Act requires him to do,” Mr Corbyn said.

The Letwin amendment, introduced this week, was proposed as an insurance policy to ensure that Britain did not crash out of the EU on October 31 without a deal.

Under the terms of the socalled Benn Act, if an agreement on a deal on Saturday was not forthcomin­g, the prime minister was required to seek a further extension to the withdrawal process from the EU until the end of January.

The prime minister’s office had earlier threatened to pull the rug out from under proceeding­s in the face of the Letwin amendment.

Even before the first remarks in the House had been made, Downing Street warned that it would send Conservati­ve MPs home if the amendment was passed.

Downing Street said that voting for the Letwin amendment was a vote for delay, and pointed out the irony of Parliament opting to render the extraordin­ary Saturday sitting – the first since the 1980s – meaningles­s by kicking the can further down the road.

Aside from the legislativ­e manoeuvres, the vote over Mr Johnson’s deal, which is now scheduled for tomorrow, appeared too close to call.

The prime minister secured the assent of much of the hard-Brexiteer European Research Group, which had so often frustrated the ambitions of his predecesso­r Theresa May.

“Let’s #GetBrexitD­one. No more delays and indecision. With absolute resolve, we can be a great independen­t country through this deal,” Steve Baker, the ERG chairman, tweeted.

Earlier he had indicated that not only would the ERG vote in favour of the deal but support all legislatio­n needed to enact it.

The government also appeared to have secured the votes of many, but by no means all, of the Tory MPs from whom the government whip was withdrawn over the Benn Act.

These gains needed to overcome the loss of support from Mr Johnson’s once-close allies, Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party.

Since it was announced in Brussels days ago, the DUP has railed against the deal, saying it would adversely impact the Northern Irish economy and threaten the Good Friday Agreement, the 1998 peace accord to end violence in the country.

Outside Westminste­r, as MPs voted, hundreds of thousands of anti-Brexit protesters demonstrat­ed in opposition to Mr Johnson’s deal.

The marchers, who are demanding a second referendum on Britain’s exit from the EU, raised a resounding cheer when the results of the government defeat were delivered.

 ?? AFP ?? Thousands marched to the British Parliament yesterday calling for a final say in a second referendum on leaving the EU as MPs debated the Brexit deal delivered by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, left
AFP Thousands marched to the British Parliament yesterday calling for a final say in a second referendum on leaving the EU as MPs debated the Brexit deal delivered by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, left
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