The National - News

Ankara removes Kurdish mayors over criticism of Syria strikes


Turkish authoritie­s have removed five mayors in Kurdish-majority areas of south-eastern Turkey in a crackdown on domestic criticism about the country’s internatio­nally condemned operation in northern Syria.

Turkey’s pro-Kurdish party, the People’s Democratic Party (HDP), confirmed that its co-mayors were forced to stand down in several towns in Kurdish-majority areas, and put in prison pending trial.

The towns in which they were replaced were Hakkari, Yuksekova and Nusaybin.

Turkey launched a crackdown against dissent in its majority-Kurdish areas after its assault against Kurdish-controlled parts of neighbouri­ng Syria. Protests have been broken up with tear gas and scores of people have been arrested for criticisin­g the military campaign online.

The HDP governs many cities in the mainly Kurdish south-east of Turkey. It typically appoints one male and one female co-mayor to promote equality.

Semire Nergiz and Ferhat Kut, co-mayors of Nusaybin, were accused of being members of a terrorist organisati­on and replaced by a state-appointed trustee on Friday.

Yuksekova co-mayors Remziye Yasar and Irfan Sari were jailed over their interviews, columns and social media posts.

It was not immediatel­y clear what the Hakkari mayor, Cihan Kahraman, was accused of.

The state-owned Anadolu news agency said on Friday local administra­tors had been appointed to replace mayors in Yuksekova and Hakkari.

Nusaybin is a town on the Syrian border in the south-eastern Mardin province, while Hakkari and Yuksekova are situated on the border with Iran.

Nusaybin has been the target of cross-border attacks during the operation, with a mortar and rocket attack by Kurdish militants last week killing eight people and wounding 35.

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