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Why there’s no room for insensitiv­e influencer­s in our evolving world


Critique of insensitiv­e and opportunis­tic influencer­s has, in a way, made social media rail against social media

We’re currently in the middle of immense upheaval. Between the coronaviru­s pandemic, protests over the killing of George Floyd in police custody, the Australian bushfires, locust outbreaks in East Africa and sectarian clashes in India, the first six months of 2020 have welcomed a veritable tour de force of catastroph­e.

Social media has played a huge role in this. It has sparked change and captured what’s happening on the ground, both creating and connecting rallying cries that have reverberat­ed around the world.

It has brought out the very best examples of humanity.

But it’s also brought out some of the worst.

In recent weeks, videos have surfaced in the internatio­nal media showing opportunis­ts taking staged photos amongst Black Lives Matter protests, or posing as they pretend to lend a hand.

Critique of these moments has, in an oddly circular way, made social media rail against social media. People are angry; accusing influencer­s and their ilk of capitalisi­ng on the groundswel­l for personal gain.

Sure, it’s tough for everyone out there at the moment – influencer­s included – but empathy and common sense must be cautioned.

The ability to utilise a gathering of thousands of people protesting against police brutality as a quirky Instagram backdrop isn’t a skill we need in today’s world; nor is posing with a drill alongside a man rebuilding a store, just long enough for a picture to be taken. Performati­ve activism should not be synonymous with influencin­g.

Closer to home, in the UAE, restaurate­urs say they are receiving large numbers of messages from “bloggers” wanting free food amid the pandemic, with some threatenin­g retributio­n in the form of negative reviews when they are refused. Tone-deaf travel throwbacks have been posted and expensive goods hawked as people struggled to make ends meet, sponsored content appeared on #BlackoutTu­esday – the list goes on.

It’s not a new criticism, but it raises an important question: what happens next for an industry that has experience­d such a huge boom in such a short space of time?

People have for years forecast the age of the influencer to be edging closer to extinction. So could 2020 be the asteroid that wipes them all out?

Well, probably not.

The National has spent the past month canvassing the opinions of PRs, content creators and brands about how the pandemic has influenced the influencer industry in the UAE.

One opinion remains unanimous: the industry is set to stay. But those who survive the current landscape will be those who evolve.

After all, we need these people to entertain, to keep us sane and to help us make our daily lives a little easier – which is why the influencer industry came to exist in the first place.

Certainly, a good few influencer­s deserve kudos for how they’ve pivoted their content – in the UAE alone we’ve seen some coming to the aid of an ailing restaurant industry, others advocating for struggling small businesses and others offering free online workouts, useful for their followers staying at home.

But influencer­s are, by their very definition, people who wield clout. Their voices are the loudest, so they should be called out when that voice is misused – the same as any celebrity, politician or academic.

Because, remember, they are happy to be applauded and rewarded when they do get it right.

 ?? Unsplash ?? Influencer­s have been posting travel throwbacks
Unsplash Influencer­s have been posting travel throwbacks
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