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A careful breakdown of the Beirut blast points to tragic negligence as the cause

- CHRISTIAN LE MIERE Christian Le Miere is founder of the strategic consultanc­y, Arcipel and Associates

The effects of a huge explosion that rocked the Lebanese capital of Beirut on Tuesday are no doubt terrible and the human and economic costs heartbreak­ing.

The Lebanese government declared soon after the explosion, which occurred in the warehousin­g area of the city’s port, that it was the result of some 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate detonating. It had been stored since 2014, when a Moldovan-flagged ship transporti­ng it from Georgia to Mozambique got stranded in Beirut, as she was not seaworthy. Her cargo was unloaded and apparently left in storage in Beirut’s port for years.

But in the era of social media and smartphone­s, images and videos of the explosion were uploaded to Twitter within minutes for all to see. And so began the inevitable amateur theorising on the cause and motivation for the blast.

Given Lebanon’s fractious and often violent history, various theories started being bandied around, but most focused on the idea that this might be an air strike. Unsurprisi­ngly, the culprit was quickly identified by online sleuths as Israel. Some even suggested that the mushroom cloud from the explosion indicated the use of a nuclear weapon – which would be the first use in anger of such a device since 1945.

The timing was auspicious to fuel such theories – Israel fired artillery shells over Lebanon’s southern border last week, to thwart what it called an infiltrati­on attempt by Hezbollah fighters. And just hours after the Beirut explosion, the Israel Defence Force announced that it had indeed launched an airstrike – but in Syria.

Other amateur detectives pointed to non-state actors to explain the unusual explosion. Lebanon has been the unfortunat­e host of some of the larger and more consequent­ial nonstate attacks in recent decades.

In October 1983, two truck bombs in Beirut killed 241 US service personnel and 58 French paratroope­rs in an attack attributed to Hezbollah.

In February 2005, another truck bomb killed former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, helping to trigger the Cedar Revolution of that year that led to the withdrawal of Syrian troops from the country. The fact that the verdict from the more than decade-long internatio­nal tribunal into Hariri’s death is due on Friday only fuelled theories that it may be related to the former prime minister’s death.

Attacks are not, unfortunat­ely, a rare occurrence in Beirut. Dozens of explosions have occurred in recent years, targeting Hezbollah, Iranian assets, Lebanese politician­s, the Lebanese Army, journalist­s, Alawites and many others. Lebanon’s internal rivalries, Syria’s state interests, and the Syrian war have all led to violence on the streets of Beirut.

Remarks by US President Donald Trump on Tuesday night will only have fuelled rumours, with the president suggesting that “great generals” had told him they “think it was an attack”. But analysis suggests that the Lebanese government’s explanatio­n is more likely to be correct.

While the advent of social media has turbo-charged the disseminat­ion of wild theories about such events, it also allows analysis from a range of different sources in a short period of time. The crater caused by the explosion, for instance, allows for rough estimates of the size of the explosion by measuring its size and depth.

Similarly, footage of damage to buildings hundreds of metres away from the explosion enable a rough calculatio­n of the blast overpressu­re – the pressure caused by the blast wave. Both data points suggest an explosion equivalent to hundreds of tonnes of TNT, orders of magnitude greater than any terrorist attack in history. The 1983 bombing, which devastated the Marine barracks, involved the equivalent of less than 10 tonnes of TNT. Over 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate could certainly create an explosion of that size.

The footage also provided other clues that suggested that ammonium nitrate may have been the source of the explosion – the red cloud seen is indicative of nitrogen dioxide, which is produced during an ammonium nitrate explosion. And the mushroom cloud does not necessaril­y suggest a nuclear explosion, even if the two are linked in popular culture.

Mushroom clouds are formed when an explosion creates a hot bubble of gas that rises and expands quickly, which can occur either through a nuclear device ionising the air around it or a convention­al explosion emitting large amounts of gas.

Images also began to circulate on social media of a warehouse, with its doors open, storing large bags labelled ‘Nitropill HD’, suggesting the contents may have been ammonium nitrate prills (small pellets), a common form of production for ammonium nitrate when used in fertiliser­s or for mining explosives. The markings on the doors of the warehouse appear to match the doors of the warehouse.

Video of the explosion also appeared to show a series of smaller explosions occurring between the two much larger explosions. These smaller explosions could be owing to fireworks, munitions or smaller amounts of ammonium nitrate detonating.

The evidence currently available thus appears to corroborat­e the government’s explanatio­n. There does appear to have been a store of ammonium nitrate and the physical characteri­stics of the blast are similar to what one would expect when such a large amount of ammonium nitrate explodes. This makes an air strike highly unlikely. A terrorist group could theoretica­lly have been made aware of the ammonium nitrate storage and decided to detonate the store but such an attack would be very unlike any of Beirut’s previous targeted attacks.

The most likely explanatio­n is therefore an accidental detonation of poorly stored ammonium nitrate. The question that remains, then, is why such a large amount of it was kept for so long in the port in unsafe conditions. Was it negligence, internatio­nal legal complicati­ons or something else? No doubt the online theorists will soon speculate.

The question that remains is why such a large amount of it was kept for so long in the port in unsafe conditions

 ?? AFP ?? Destructio­n at Beirut port in the aftermath of the massive explosion in the Lebanese capital
AFP Destructio­n at Beirut port in the aftermath of the massive explosion in the Lebanese capital
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