The National - News

Halt to Turkey and Iranian interferen­ce ‘will end conflicts’


The UAE does not agree with the foreign policies of Turkey and Iran but does not seek confrontat­ion with either country, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Gargash said yesterday.

He called the behaviour of Ankara and Tehran destabilis­ing.

“Bringing an end to this interferen­ce will also make it easier to achieve the peaceful resolution of conflicts in the region,” Dr Gargash said during the annual Abu Dhabi Strategic Debate, held online by Emirates Policy Centre.

He also highlighte­d the distinctio­n between political Islam and Islam as a global religion.

He made reference to the terrorist attacks in France and Austria by extremists within the past two weeks.

“These extremist, transnatio­nal ideologica­l movements do not represent Islam in any way,” he said.

“They are a threat to all open and tolerant societies.”

Dr Gargash praised US bipartisan approval of the Abraham Accord, brokered under the Donald Trump administra­tion, and said the UAE-US relationsh­ip “crosses parties and spans administra­tions”.

He also reaffirmed the UAE’s position towards the Palestinia­n cause.

The peace accord “does not diminish in any way our concern about the plight of the Palestinia­n people”, he said.

Dr Gargash said the UAE has repeatedly said that the status quo regarding the Palestinia­n issue should change, and that the UAE’s normalisat­ion of relations with Israel will provide it with a bigger political say in the Palestinia­n-Israeli conflict.

“The UAE stands ready to support that in any way it can,” he said.

“Indeed, we may be better positioned to do so now that we have formal relations with Israel.”

On December 2, the UAE will mark its 49th anniversar­y.

“It is not by accident that the UAE has been able to respond with efficiency and compassion to the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

Dr Gargash praised the country’s leadership for creating an infrastruc­ture that made this and other achievemen­ts possible.

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