The National - News

Head of little-known US agency holds keys to transition

- Robert Tollast

As US President Donald Trump’s legal team continue their campaign to overturn the election result, attention is focusing on what has been – until now – a well-oiled bureaucrat­ic transition process.

In the run-up to the election, a government agency known as the General Services Administra­tion helps prepare how a new government will move into federal buildings and oversee day-to-day expenses before it is officially settled into office.

Once the election result is known, the GSA must sign off on handing over federal government resources to Joe Biden’s team. Effectivel­y, the agency has to confirm who won the election.

When that is under way, Mr Biden’s appointed staff can be vetted by the FBI, set up their offices and begin to work on policy before the January 20 inaugurati­on.

According to the non-partisan Partnershi­p for Public Service, which runs the Centre for Presidenti­al Transition, the job of the GSA is to ensure the 1963 Transition Act is followed to the letter.

The head of the GSA has to sign off on this handover, releasing the required funds for it to happen ($9.9 million this year) following what is called “ascertainm­ent” of who won the election.

Because Mr Trump is contesting the result, there is a problem.

Current GSA head Emily Murphy is an appointee of Mr Trump, which has sparked intense debate on exactly how she will uphold her legal duty.

Will she refuse to sign the letter authorisin­g the handover

until Mr Trump concedes? Or will she will ease Mr Biden’s transition by validating the election result now?

As Mr Biden has outlined plans to move quickly on the Covid-19 crisis and other issues, a delay could have serious consequenc­es.

Supporters of a smooth handover are not waiting to find out when ascertainm­ent will take place.

In a viral tweet, lawyer Mark Zaid said that he would support journalist­s seeking to find out if Ms Murphy is deliberate­ly trying to obstruct the handover, offering to assist with Freedom of Informatio­n Act requests in exchange for a filing fee. This could quickly mount pressure on Ms Murphy. Mr Zaid’s offer was retweeted by Gen Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA.

Ms Murphy has so far declined to make a public statement but on Saturday, GSA spokeswoma­n Pamela Pennington told NBC news: “An ascertainm­ent has not yet been made. GSA and its administra­tor will continue to abide by, and fulfil, all requiremen­ts under the law.”

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