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US envoy: no deal with Iran until hostages freed

▶ Elliott Abrams, the US envoy to Iran, tells ‘ The National’ there must be ‘unified demand’ for prisoners to go home


It would be “unconscion­able” for any US president to make a new deal with Iran that did not result in western hostages being freed, said Elliott Abrams, the US special representa­tive for Iran, on Thursday.

In a wide-ranging interview with The National on US policy towards Tehran and its regional context, Mr Abrams said the past four years had given America leverage to stop Iran’s destabilis­ing activities in the Middle East.

“This is a regime in Tehran that is using people, their families, in the cruellest ways. There are three American hostages in Iran – Babak Namazi, Siamak Namazi and Morad Tahbaz. Babak is 84 years old. Why are they holding him? Why can’t he go back to his family?” Mr Abrams said.

“I think that it would be unconscion­able to have any kind of agreement next year, no matter who is president, that does not include the return home of the three American hostages.

“Several other countries are dealing, certainly the UK, with hostages who remain in Iran. We can only hope that there is a unified internatio­nal demand that these people be returned to their families.”

Mr Abrams emphasised that Washington’s increasing actions against Iran in recent months had not been unilateral, nor were they devised in the twilight of President Donald Trump’s administra­tion, contrary to what critics claim.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the US of “reckless unilateral­ism” after Mr Trump’s administra­tion withdrew from the Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action, commonly known as the nuclear deal, in 2018 and started a “maximum pressure” sanctions campaign.

“Maximum pressure is a campaign to build leverage. Years later, we have a lot of leverage. We have done tremendous damage to regime revenues,” Mr Abrams said.

“They can’t take four more years of it. Now is the moment to use that leverage. Get Iran to stop the missile programme and the sabotage and the nuclear violations. Otherwise, they don’t want to do these things. We’ve built the pressure. Now we have the leverage.”

Mr Abrams explained that one reason for the far-reaching sanctions is the overlap between the Iranian military and its economy.

“I do hear people saying from time to time: ‘Surely there is nothing left to sanction?’ And that is an outright fact. But, sadly, it is because of the pervasiven­ess of the IRGC [Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps] in the Iranian economy,” he said.

“So many companies and activities produce funding for the IRGC. In fact, under counterter­rorism sanctions, there are many more targets that deserve to be sanctioned, and this is in addition to the nuclear sanctions.”

Since the maximum-pressure campaign began, sanctions imposed on Iran have cost the country $70 billion, curtailing Tehran’s ability to fund regional militias.

But Tehran has also increased its prohibited nuclear activities and lashed out at countries in the region either directly or through its proxies, attacking oil infrastruc­ture in Saudi Arabia, sabotaging oil tankers and stepping up arms transfers to militias in Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon.

Mr Abrams described how new sanctions on human rights abuses and convention­al missiles refocused the narrative to issues on which US allies could find common ground.

“There is a focus on human rights right now because it is November and in November last year there was a great uprising of the Iranian people that was brutally suppressed by the Iranian regime,” he said.

Mr Abrams believes that although sanctions to prevent Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon are important, its human rights abuses must not be forgotten.

When pressed on whether focusing sanctions on human rights abuses, terrorism and missiles could sidetrack US policy on nuclear non-proliferat­ion, Mr Abrams said he did not think this was the case.

“In June, there was a unanimous IAEA [ Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency] resolution, including Russia and China, demanding that Iran allow access to two suspicious sites,” he said.

“I hope we can return to closer unanimity in the IAEA because here, we’re not just talking about the JCPOA. We’re talking about older and more fundamenta­l safeguard agreements, and we’re talking about pledges that Iran made many years ago to the internatio­nal community,” he said.

“Now we have, on November 11, a report by the IAEA which says that the explanatio­n that Iran has given for the existence of suspicious things found by the IAEA, such as the presence of suspicious particles that appear to be manufactur­ed, the explanatio­ns are not technicall­y credible.

“If I escape from diplomatic language, that means they’re lying to the IAEA again. And there were long delays in access. In the case of a request from the IAEA to access a site in January, it took about nine months. This is really not acceptable. There is a board meeting coming in late November and it is our hope that every member will speak up about the need to hold Iran up to the Nuclear Non-Proliferat­ion Treaty pledges it has made.”

Going back to the regional picture, Mr Abrams said the US still sought to put pressure on Iran’s regional militias and economic interests.

In November, sanctions were imposed on Lebanese politician Gebran Bassil for his ties to the Iran-backed Hezbollah movement.

Mr Bassil also faced sanctions because of allegation­s of corruption under the Global Magnitsky Act, which was passed in 2012 by the administra­tion of Barack Obama.

“We’d like to see a profusion of Global Magnitsky statutes by other countries,” Mr Abrams said.

“The UK has one. We’d like to see the EU and every democratic country adopt something like it because it’s an effective way for all of us together to fight corruption.”

Asked how the US should respond in Iraq if more American soldiers are killed by Iranbacked militias, after two were killed in attacks in March, Mr Abrams said: “I hope that the Iranians get the message that the United States will defend itself and will defend its people. And I think that this will continue in 2021 no matter who is president.”

We can only hope that there is a unified internatio­nal demand that these people be returned to their families ELLIOTT ABRAMS

US Special Representa­tive for Iran

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 ?? Victor Besa / The National ?? The US envoy for Iran, Elliott Abrams, in Abu Dhabi on Thursday
Victor Besa / The National The US envoy for Iran, Elliott Abrams, in Abu Dhabi on Thursday

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