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Barely a month into the new year, think tanks are prematurel­y writing off 2021

- DAMIEN McELROY Damien McElroy is the London bureau chief at The National

After the events of recent years, the prognosis of experts in global geopolitic­s appears to be uniform and unrelentin­g in its gloominess. Few deposit real hope that the restoratio­n of the experience­d team around US president-elect Joe Biden can restore global affairs to a kind of equilibriu­m.

But there is a kind of mentality trap at work. The accumulati­on of tensions along the world’s geopolitic­al fault lines is basically seen as so great as to be insurmount­able.

Fatalism isn’t going to achieve anything. In fact, it’s actively harmful. This trap is already working to lock in the Biden team’s expected first moves. Many of the proposed appointees are retreaded tyres for the US foreign policy engine. The same can be said of their policy options. Everything is reinforcin­g a sense among Washington’s political elite that the status quo prior to President Donald Trump’s administra­tion is really an ideal to aim for over the next four years.

A case in point was when, last week, the Internatio­nal Crisis group unveiled its annual report on 10 conflicts to watch out for in the coming year.

Its not that the list wasn’t well-researched. The 10 pinch points were topped by Afghanista­n, but also ranged from Libya to Iran-US to Russia-Turkey to climate change.

At the webinar launch, a former senior UN official queried the overwhelmi­ng pessimism on offer. Yet, the assembled experts could do little more than broadly concur that the outlook was bleak.

It certainly was dark. The US was “polarised, distrustfu­l of its institutio­ns, heavily armed, riven by deep social and racial rifts”, according to the report.

Weakened by the ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic, many states are likely to continue to collapse under the weight of their internal weaknesses, many participan­ts concurred.

“In Sudan, Lebanon, and Venezuela, to mention but a few examples,” the report notes, “one can expect the number of unemployed to grow, real incomes to collapse, government­s to face mounting difficulti­es paying security forces and the general population to increasing­ly rely on state support at a time when states are least equipped to provide it. “

Climate change is hardly a new issue, but 2021 was the first year it gained a risk level all of its own. “This is the first year that a transnatio­nal risk has made it onto our top conflicts list, as climate-related violence stretches from the Sahel to Nigeria and Central America,” the report said.

The perils have only mounted. “Many around the globe experience­d the past year as an ‘annus horribilis’, eagerly awaiting its conclusion. But as the list of conflicts to watch that follows suggests, its long shadow will endure.”

As an expert institutio­n, Crisis Group is not alone.

Last week, the Washington Institute also outlined eight highly credible threats that Iran could issue to test the US over the transition period. It also outlined separate tests that could be posted in Syria and by Hezbollah. It offered a roadmap of potential responses for the new White House, noting the new administra­tion must be ready to be tested on its first day.

Chatham House is suffused with gloom, too. It has advised Mr Biden that his first priority is to fix America at home first. “Today, the US is wracked by internal division and the distributi­on of economic opportunit­ies and benefits across society is radically unequal. Confidence in the leadership, the electoral system, and the capacity of the state to deliver has taken a serious hit,” said Chatham House’s US expert, Leslie Vinjamuri, in a commentary ahead of Wednesday’s inaugurati­on.

“Three steps are essential, though not sufficient alone, for improving the quality of democracy in America. First, it is imperative the role of facts and of science in formulatin­g public policy society is rescued. Second, it is essential to create a commission to record – and ensure accountabi­lity for – the worst violations of the Donald Trump era; this should extend far beyond the more narrow focus of impeachmen­t.

“Third, the Biden administra­tion must conceive of an approach and set of policies for securing social and economic justice that unites and integrates rather than divides and fractures white working class Americans with America’s racial minorities.”

A cultural rejuvenati­on, a painful purge and historic reconcilia­tion across all society. Mr Biden has a steep set of challenges to master all at once.

Robin Niblett, the director of Chatham House, recently described the global landscape in nihilistic terms as well. “The transforma­tive learning moment of the end of the Second World War has receded into history, and the hope that accompanie­d the end of the Cold War has been diluted by the re-emergence of atavistic fears as the centre of global economic gravity has shifted from the West to the East,” he observed.

Mr Biden is Democrat, but he has something of Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America” confidence and a clear faith in his homeland. He is fond of reciting Seamus Heaney’s line that hope and history can rhyme in the right circumstan­ces.

The think tank experts would be better suited to citing WB Yeats, who wrote of the “rough beast” slouching forwards as anarchy is loosed upon the world.

Whatever the rhetorical flourishes and strangenes­s of inaugurati­on scenes, it is surely not unreasonab­le to believe that good things are also happening.

These experts would do well to devote time, too, to fostering hope that improvemen­ts are on the way.

There is a kind of mentality trap at work, but fatalism isn’t going to achieve anything; in fact, it’s actively harmful

 ?? AFP ?? President-elect Joe Biden is appointing a veteran policy team, but their strategies will probably adhere to a pre-Trump status quo
AFP President-elect Joe Biden is appointing a veteran policy team, but their strategies will probably adhere to a pre-Trump status quo
 ??  ??

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