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US increases B-52 patrols in Middle East operation


The US Central Command announced the completion of another B-52 bomber patrol in the Middle East, the second such mission in 17 days.

The mission was completed on Sunday as a measure of the country’s commitment to regional security, the US military said.

“US Air Force B-52H ‘Stratofort­ress’ aircrews successful­ly completed a presence patrol in the Middle East,” the command said.

The head of Centcom, Gen Frank McKenzie, said the mission showed US preparedne­ss in the region.

“The training opportunit­y and continued integratio­n with regional partners improves readiness and delivers a clear and consistent message in the operationa­l environmen­t to both friends and potential adversarie­s alike,” Gen McKenzie said.

He said the measures were part of Washington’s defensive position in the Middle East.

The fifth Bomber Task Force mission into the Middle East in the past 62 days came three days before President Donald Trump leaves office.

Unlike previous statements, this one did not directly mention Iran.

Neverthele­ss, Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, criticised the US mission.

“If your B-52H ‘Presence Patrols’ are meant to intimidate or warn Iran, you should have spent those billions on your taxpayers’ health,” Mr Zarif said.

On Friday, the US Department of Defence announced the inclusion of Israel in Centcom alongside regional states, instead of the US European Command.

The change in Israel’s membership follows the Abraham Accord, the Pentagon said.

“The easing of tensions between Israel and its Arab neighbours subsequent to the Abraham Accords has provided a strategic opportunit­y for the United States to align key partners against shared threats in the Middle East,” it said.

The missions are part of Donald Trump’s administra­tion’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran in the past four years.

In the past three months, the US increased its sanctions on Iran and its military air presence in the Gulf region.

Senior US officials say that the goal is deterrence and not conflict.

“We’re not looking to escalate ourselves. We’re not looking for war with Iran, I really want to emphasise that,” Gen McKenzie said of the B-52 missions last month.

US president-elect Joe Biden has not stated a position on the missions.

His nominee for the Pentagon, retired four-star general Lloyd Austin, will face questions from the Senate in his confirmati­on hearing today.

Mr Austin brings years of experience from the Middle East as the commander of Centcom between 2013 and 2016, and as the Commanding General US Forces in Iraq between 2010 and 2011.

He oversaw the US withdrawal from the country under the administra­tion of Barack Obama.

 ?? AP ?? The US flew two B-52s over large parts of the Middle East, sending what officials say is a message to friends and foes
AP The US flew two B-52s over large parts of the Middle East, sending what officials say is a message to friends and foes

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