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Iraq asks Iran to intervene over Baghdad Green Zone attacks


Iraq is asking Iran to intervene and stop attacks on diplomatic missions in Baghdad’s Green Zone, Iraq’s foreign minister said yesterday.

The embassies of several western countries, including the US, are in the zone. It is generally considered a safe area but was hit by rocket attacks in the past year.

“The government has taken several security and military measures since the attacks on the Green Zone began and by taking political steps to overcome these, such as reaching out to Iran, which occurred during my visit to Tehran,” Fuad Hussein told Al Arabiya.

The Iraqi minister called the attacks an “embarrassm­ent” to the government.

Mr Hussein said that Iraqi forces had arrested several people they suspected of being linked to the Green Zone attacks.

Mr Hussein indicated that Washington may take drastic measures if its embassy is continuous­ly attacked.

Baghdad accuses “outlaw groups” of launching the attacks but Washington blames Iran-backed militias. No side has taken responsibi­lity.

“The government is working to place weapons under its control before elections this year,” Mr Hussein said, adding that the UN is working alongside the government to ensure its success. Rockets have often been fired at the embassy to protest against US troops in Iraq.

Tensions between Iran and the US increased during over the past year following rocket attacks on Iraqi bases hosting American forces and US air strikes against militia groups.

Mr Hussein said he rejected foreign interferen­ce in his country’s internal affairs, stressing that the tension between Washington and Tehran harmed Iraq’s security.

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