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Let’s not be choosy about our coronaviru­s vaccine

- NICK MARCH Nick March is an assistant editor-in-chief at The National

Tuesday evening’s UAE coronaviru­s briefing provided updates on the country’s vaccinatio­n programme, with more than 10.4 million vaccine doses now administer­ed nationwide.

At an earlier briefing we had heard that two-thirds of eligible groups have been vaccinated. In some age categories, including the over-60s, the uptake has been higher. Officials this week said that society and government were “working together” to keep up momentum. It was also reported that the UAE is now ranked eighth globally, and first in the Arab world, on Bloomberg’s internatio­nal Covid resilience index, which looks at a range of indicators to measure the effectiven­ess of a country’s pandemic response. Singapore topped the table, overtaking New Zealand in the process, which fell to second spot as its vaccinatio­n programme has been slow to gather momentum. The UAE, meanwhile, rose three places.

UAE officials have been clear, however, that more needs to be done, reflecting the broader sense that there is little room for complacenc­y even when data appears to paint an encouragin­g picture.

Addressing this point, Dr Saif Al Dhaheri, spokespers­on for the National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority, earlier this month discussed some instances of vaccine hesitancy among sections of the community.

“Your hesitation today is an obstacle to our goals,” he said at a briefing. “It puts your family, loved ones and community at risk. The vaccine is our best means to recover and return to a normal life.”

While there are good reasons why some unable to receive the vaccine – those who are too young, who may have allergies or underlying health conditions, among other reasons – the hesitancy of others is seen as a risk in the daily battle to recover ground lost to the pandemic.

Why people have delayed is a point of conjecture, although choice may have been a contributo­ry factor, meaning some may have been tempted to delay while they wait for a particular vaccine to become licensed. Dr Farida Al Hosani, health sector spokespers­on, confirmed on Tuesday in an interview with The National that vaccine options will be available for the foreseeabl­e future but added that no one option was better than another. The choice was simply there to spur community uptake and because “the UAE always tries to bring the best for its people”.

The Sinopharm vaccine was initially the only approved vaccine, but both the Oxford-AstraZenec­a and Pfizer-Biontech vaccine were subsequent­ly given the go-ahead, as well as the Sputnik V, which has been approved for emergency use. Each of the available vaccines do the job they are meant to do, which is to save lives. It is easy to lose sight of that when there is so much talk of vaccine delivery helping to open up internatio­nal travel and movement once more.

Data released by the Abu

Dhabi Public Health Centre this year found that the Sinopharm vaccine was more than 90 per cent effective in preventing hospitalis­ation and 95 per cent effective against admission to intensive care.

Those data points are a reminder that vaccines are primarily there to protect communitie­s from infection, rather than being vehicles to enable complete freedom of movement for the inoculated, which is the implied definition of so-called vaccine passports, a subject of widespread discussion around the world.

In that same interview, Dr Al Hosani cautioned against travelling abroad this summer if you were not fully vaccinated or intending to journey to somewhere in the world where the risk of infection was high. Her words served as a reminder that we need to be cautious about both the terminolog­y and applicatio­n of vaccine passports.

Most of us connect such passports with the idea that getting vaccinated will open up internatio­nal borders. Access to vaccines will certainly speed our journey to the latter, by helping to protect and save lives, but it is misleading to promote the idea of vaccine passports as freedom-guaranteei­ng status symbols. That kind of symbolism is all wrong.

The very dynamic situations in India and Turkey this month are a reminder of how quickly borders can close, at which point a vaccine passport is largely redundant, save for it providing proof that the bearer has been inoculated and is less at risk than someone who has not been.

A return to the idea of certificat­ion, the 20th-century response to the post-1918 pandemic, is more appropriat­e than a so-called vaccine passport, which also could potentiall­y discrimina­te against those who are unable to take some vaccines, such as pregnant women or breastfeed­ing mothers, vulnerable community members and children.

So, we need to move carefully in the next phase. Test events should be carried out, such as the plans that are being made for the President’s Cup in May, and in the short-term interests of public safety it is appropriat­e to require protocols to be followed, such as capacity limits and spectators needing to show they have been vaccinated.

The wholesale opening of borders in the longer term should hinge on regular testing as much as vaccinatio­n. To date, the UAE has conducted more than 40 million tests on its population of approximat­ely 10 million people.

A combinatio­n of the two strands – widespread testing and a comprehens­ive vaccine drive – will pay greater dividends over the coming months.

The point of inoculatio­n is to save lives and avoid hospital rather than to compare doses like you would brands

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