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GOP is becoming more extreme without Trump

- HUSSEIN IBISH Hussein Ibish is a senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute and a US affairs columnist for The National

One hundred remarkably successful days into Joe Biden’s presidency, something unexpected and disturbing is happening within the Republican Party. During the Donald Trump presidency, Republican­s drifted much further to the right than most similar western conservati­ve parties.

Mr Trump was both a cause and symptom, mainstream­ing and promoting an already-existing extremism, especially on racial issues.

Two scenarios loomed following Mr Biden’s decisive victory last November.

Mr Trump could remain a very engaged and visible party leader, and thereby extend his style of nativist and populist zealotry. Or he might fade and Republican­s would begin to slowly drift back towards traditiona­l conservati­sm.

Instead, an unanticipa­ted, and more alarming, spectacle is playing out.

Mr Trump has indeed faded, although he remains unchalleng­ed as party leader. But he is not central to the political conversati­on anymore, is banned from Twitter, and rarely appears in public, occasional­ly surfacing to reiterate false and debunked claims that last year’s presidenti­al election was stolen from him.

Yet the Republican Party has significan­tly intensifie­d its dogmatism, deepened its conspirato­rial mindset and continues to push traditiona­l conservati­ves out of party leadership, and possibly out of its ranks altogether.

The evidence is everywhere. The main policy goal Republican­s are pursuing is a widespread effort at the state level to make voting more difficult and restrict access to elections, particular­ly for poor and minority voters. And by short-circuiting the power of election officials and reassignin­g this authority to highly partisan entities, some Republican state legislatur­es are adopting measures that might have allowed Mr Trump to succeed in overturnin­g the election result.

State and federal election officials are virtually unanimous that, despite the pandemic and extreme political tensions, the November election was probably the most secure ever and saw the greatest turnout in over a century. Based on the verifiable facts, it’s hard to justify a massive campaign to overhaul election laws. But the effort is actually being driven by Mr Trump’s assertion that the election was stolen from him through fraud and corruption.

Initially, 30-40 per cent of Republican­s said they believed him, an already mind-boggling statistic given the evident facts. Now over 70 per cent say Mr Biden didn’t win honestly.

Republican state legislator­s promoting such “election integrity” laws are speaking as if there actually had been a serious question of fraud. But they are acting as if their political prospects depend on markedly reducing voter participat­ion.

Some Republican­s have also been working overtime to rewrite the history of the assault on Congress on January 6, with widespread claims that the mob wasn’t really violent, was infiltrate­d by left-wing agitators, and represente­d patriotic and noble sentiments.

Many prominent Republican­s who condemned Mr Trump for inciting the unrest immediatel­y after the riot – including House leader Kevin McCarthy, and former governors such as Nikki Haley and Chris Christie – have essentiall­y reversed themselves, saying he was an excellent president who deserves little or no blame for the violence.

Republican­s in Congress have blocked the creation of a commission to study the attack, lest it disrupt this false narrative that is now embraced by most of their constituen­ts. Several January 6 protesters have announced they will run in upcoming Republican primaries, boasting about their participat­ion as a badge of honour.

Other than whitewashi­ng the riot and restrictin­g ballot access, with a few exceptions in the Senate, Republican­s have had no credible response to Mr Biden’s highly ambitious policy innovation­s such as his massive coronaviru­s relief bill or his proposed $2 trillion infrastruc­ture plan.

After a good deal of flounderin­g, they are opposing the bills because of the costs. But given their disinteres­t in fiscal restraint while Mr Trump was president, these complaints seem especially disingenuo­us. Instead, Republican­s have been largely focusing on a series of culture war battles and, often, conspiracy theories. One was a ridiculous claim that the Biden administra­tion was preparing to limit Americans’ consumptio­n of meat. Another held that migrant children were being each given a copy of Vice President Kamala Harris’ children’s book.

Political parties often embrace dubious narratives to condemn their opponents. But it’s usually leavened by some kind of policy agenda. At present, Republican­s simply don’t have one, other than continued fealty to Mr Trump as a symbol.

QAnon conspiracy endorser and nativist firebrand Marjorie Taylor Green, just elected in November, has catapulted to the top of Republican ranks because of her hyper-aggressive radicalism. Republican Senator Ted Cruz refuses to break ties with an organisati­on found to promote white supremacy.

The most influentia­l media figure among Republican­s is white nationalis­t TV commentato­r Tucker Carlson, who is championin­g the “great replacemen­t” conspiracy theory that non-white migration is a plot to destroy western civilisati­on. He is even considered, in all seriousnes­s, a potential Republican presidenti­al nominee.

Meanwhile, life in the party is becoming almost impossible for traditiona­l conservati­ves, especially those seen as disloyal to Mr Trump.

There is a renewed effort to oust the third-highest ranking Republican in the House, Liz Cheney, for her criticism of the former president and insisting that Mr Biden is a fellow American who deserves respect and courtesy.

Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidenti­al candidate, was roundly booed at the Republican convention in his home state of Utah. When he said, “I wasn’t a fan of our last president’s character issues,” the crowd erupted, calling him “a traitor” and “a communist”. His self-descriptio­n as an “old-fashioned Republican” only seemed to antagonise the crowd further.

So rather than drifting back towards anything resembling traditiona­l conservati­sm, despite the virtual disappeara­nce of Mr Trump, the Republican Party is becoming more radical and conspirato­rial and less rational or tethered to reality. It has become so bad that it’s now almost possible to argue that Mr Trump served as a restrainin­g, if not moderating, factor.

It’s still possible that eventually, and especially after a series of additional defeats, Republican­s will abandon this fanaticism and begin to return to a more rational conservati­sm.

But there is no sign of that now, to say the least. And as long as most Republican­s are willing to insist that they haven’t lost but were cheated, learning those lessons is going to be extremely difficult.

The party will struggle to return to its conservati­ve roots if its members insist they were cheated in the 2020 presidenti­al election

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 ?? AP ?? Donald Trump is still unchalleng­ed as party leader, but isn’t central to the political conversati­on
AP Donald Trump is still unchalleng­ed as party leader, but isn’t central to the political conversati­on
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