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Forces in southern Yemen push Houthi rebels out of rich agricultur­al region during clashes


Forces aligned with Yemen’s Southern Transition­al Council drove Houthi rebels out of Al Fakher region, depriving the Iran-backed group of an essential source of tax revenue.

Al Fakher, a rich agricultur­al area known for its coffee beans and qat trees, links the southern provinces of Dhalea and Ibb.

The southern forces, which fight alongside those aligned with the internatio­nally recognised government, killed at least 26 Houthi fighters during heavy clashes, Capt Mohammed Al Naqeeb, spokesman for the STC forces, told The National.

The fighting started on Saturday and lasted for 12 hours, he said.

“Early on Saturday, our forces launched a large-scale attack from two fronts targeting Houthi forces in Al Fakher and in the Bab Ghalak mountainou­s area in Dhalea province,” Capt Al Naqeeb said.

The STC forces seized control of Al Fakher region, along with important areas to the north, he said.

Those sites include an intersecti­on that gives the STC forces greater control over a road used by the Houthis to move reinforcem­ents south from Ibb province.

The rebels suffered heavy losses in the clashes in Dhalea on Saturday.

“Our forces killed and arrested dozens of the Houthi rebels, among them field commanders, and destroyed several military vehicles, including armoured vehicles,” Capt Fuad Jubari, spokesman for the Dhalea military region, told The National.

Al Fakher area is home to a popular market where thousands of people from nearby provinces go to sell agricultur­al crops and buy coffee and qat leaves.

Most Yemeni men, and many women, chew qat leaves for hours a day. They cram the leaves into their mouths as they work, chat to others or simply sit in contemplat­ion.

Qat leaves contain a stimulant that can cause excitement, euphoria and loss of appetite.

The Houthis imposed high taxes on the farmers and merchants of Al Fakher area and its market, residents said.

Many people who live in the region breathed a sigh of relief after the Houthi rebels were forced from their lands by the southern forces.

“We celebrated with fireworks after the liberation of our area yesterday,” Murad Obaid, a farmer, told The National yesterday.

“It was a big victory for us because the Houthi rebels have been wreaking havoc in our land.

“They repeatedly destroyed and burnt farms of residents who refused to pay them the taxes they imposed since they controlled the area in 2019.”

The Houthis also used to carry out raids on farms and shops and demand large sums of money from residents to fund their war efforts.

Many farmers were rounded up by the rebels and jailed because they refused, Mr Obaid said.

 ?? AFP ?? Forces aligned with the Southern Transition­al Council in Yemen killed at least 26 Houthi fighters in clashes on Saturday
AFP Forces aligned with the Southern Transition­al Council in Yemen killed at least 26 Houthi fighters in clashes on Saturday

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