The National - News



▶ Across

1. Pliable (6)

5. Accumulate (6)

8. Part of circumfere­nce (3)

9. Distribute over surface (6)

10. Male (6)

11. Small island (4)

13. Fluctuatin­g (8)

14. Pretend (5)

15. Among (5)

19. In portions (8)

21. Having pink tint (4)

22. Light-sealed box with aperture (6)

23. Favourable regard (6)

25. Spoil (3)

26. Holder of lease (6)

27. Plaits (6)

▶ Down

2. Stalemate (7)

3. Adieu (3)

4. Ra (6)

5. Charge of wrong doing (6)

6. French nobleman (9)

7. Before (5)

12. Hour glasses (3,6)

16. Hang (7)

17. Slander (6)

18. Modifying word (6)

20. Angry (5)

24. Hot beverage (3)

 ?? ??

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Newspapers from United Arab Emirates