The National - News



▶ Across

2. Was painfully aware of type of current he'd followed (5)

5. Go through the evidence if found in the street (4)

7. Singular form of nettlerash bees are at home to? (4)

8. Lounge about with one soft drink and stick to the sweet (8)

9. Not the front parlour to do important things in secretly (4-4)

11. Reverend synod has to have such objectives (4)

12. People with taking ways you get the picture? (13)

15. It has its reward? Yes, in afterthoug­ht (4)

17. When everyone else has gone, neverthele­ss (5,3)

19. The papers don't begin to cure what barometer shows (8)

21. The inevitable end, one of three known to the Greeks (4)

22. ‘I will play the ___, And die in music’ (Othello) (4)

23. Not being on winning side, he switches roles (5)

▶ Down

1. Final words: half keep it with no Greek graph (7)

2. Continenta­l land measure is plural in form (3)


4. Unfortunat­ely I'm lamed, an impossible predicamen­t (7)

5. Go in for winter sport and lose control endlessly (3)

6. Over-liquidity of old potentiall­y (5)

10. Accommodat­ion cheques may have strings attached (5)

11. The Queen takes in the clear upper air (5)

13. Crumpled rag finishes with a double, but not all at once (7)

14. Told how one had blood ties (7)

16. A pointer from Fletcher (5)

18. seen, they say (5)

20. Among Poles, ring for a boy (3)

21. Because it's in favour! (3)

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