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China offers model for growth while going green, says Al Jaber


Dr Sultan Al Jaber, President-designate of the Cop28 summit, has said China provides a strong model of how a country can continue to grow while tackling the green energy transition.

Dr Al Jaber, who has completed a two-day trip to China, said the country had significan­t potential to promote sustainabl­e low- carbon economic growth.

“Given the size of China’s economy and the scale of its developmen­t of renewable energy and decarbonis­ation technology, China provides a good model for sustainabl­e economic growth and the global energy transition,” said Dr Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and Special Envoy for Climate Change.

“Over the past five years alone, China has been responsibl­e for adding more than 40 per cent of the world’s new solar and wind power capacity and has set a very ambitious target of deploying 1,200 gigawatts of renewable capacity by the end of this decade.”

During his visit, Dr Al Jaber held meetings with senior Chinese officials, including Ding Xuexiang, First Vice Premier of China; Zhao Chenxin, vice chairman of the National Developmen­t and Reform Commission agency; Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environmen­t; Xie Zhenhua, Special Envoy for Climate Change; and Zhang Jianhua, director of the National Energy Administra­tion.

Building on the strength of the UAE-China strategic partnershi­p, discussion­s focused on partnershi­ps around practical, concrete efforts in the run-up to Cop28 starting in Dubai on November 30, to achieve climate progress.

He also met and addressed students at Tsinghua University Institute for Carbon Neutrality, highlighti­ng China’s leadership in renewable energy developmen­t, and spoke about its capacity to enhance South-South co-operation on climate action.

Dr Al Jaber, who is also managing director and group chief executive of Adnoc and chairman of Masdar, said the UAE and China were committed to diversifyi­ng their energy mix and pursuing pragmatic solutions to climate change.

“The partnershi­p between the UAE and China will be a key asset to the Cop28 presidency as we seek innovative solutions to boost industrial decarbonis­ation, expand access to clean technologi­es, and ensure a just energy transition,” he said.

Dr Al Jaber said countries needed to “explore every available option” to meet decarbonis­ation goals.

“It is not renewables or hydrogen or nuclear or carbon capture or only using the least carbon-intensive oil and gas. It is all of the above, plus new technologi­es yet to be invented, commercial­ised and deployed,” he said.

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