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▶ With airline passengers increasing­ly questioned over their pre-procedure photos, plastic surgeons and facial recognitio­n leaders consider the need to renew travel documents.

- Hayley Kadrou reports

From tweakments to transforma­tions, cosmetic procedures are intended to alter how we look. How we travel? That’s not usually part of the plan. Yet that was the case for recent passengers travelling through Dubai, as they failed to make it beyond departures, with security officials saying their passport pictures didn’t match their appearance. Nothing nefarious was at play, with recent cosmetic surgery the culprit – and it’s not the first incident.

In October, TikTok incluencer Joanne Prophet spoke to followers about how her transforma­tion had caused her transport issues.

“Finally updated my passport pic after getting interrogat­ed every time I fly because apparently this doesn’t look like me,” she said.

Earlier that year, fellow TikTok user Tomi Grainger was stopped at Sydney Internatio­nal Airport and later said: “Then it dawns on me: I no longer look like the person in that picture because I’ve had so much plastic surgery.”

But how much plastic surgery is too much as far as airport security is concerned?

Airports worldwide increasing­ly rely on biometric technology to streamline the passport control process. If you’ve passed through Dubai Internatio­nal Airport recently, as 87 million passengers did last year, you’ll know egates can scan their way through more travellers in a shorter time than officials at the gate.

This means passengers are increasing­ly identified using facial recognitio­n software. Analysing a person’s features and bone structure, the technology creates a “unique facial signature to accurately identify and verify people”, explains Sadi Vural, chief executive of global face technology company Ayonix.

Each signature is composed by studying three key metrics that come together to create a face: the shape of landmark features such as eyes, nose and mouth; distances and boundaries referred to as local features, such as the width between a person’s eyes; and the holistic features, or how all the pieces of the puzzle come together.

Once this signature is created, any procedure – or collective procedures – that alter the “overall face geometry” can pose a challenge to people and technology alike, says Vural. “Cosmetic surgery that plays with the eye area and the height and shape of the nose can significan­tly affect face recognitio­n accuracy,” Vural explains. “Any changes on skin texture do not.”

But what do surgeons working on carrying out such treatments have to say? Dr Maurizio Viel, a plastic surgeon at the Cornerston­e Clinic in Dubai, flags four procedures to be mindful of.

Jaw (orthognath­ic) surgery is a procedure to be mindful of as it relates to the structure of the face, or the landmark features. “This is performed to correct conditions of the jaw and face related to structure, growth, sleep apnoea, TMJ [temporoman­dibular] disorders, malocclusi­on problems owing to skeletal disharmoni­es, or other orthodonti­c problems that cannot be easily treated with braces,” Dr Viel explains.

Nose (rhinoplast­y) surgery can alter a patient’s appearance to the naked eye and to AI technology. Dr Viel explains that, while it is often a cosmetic with subtle results, it’s still worth being mindful of how slight changes can be read differentl­y by facial scanners.

Craniofaci­al surgery refers to those on the face and skull, which are usually undertaken to “correct congenital abnormalit­ies or trauma-related injuries”, rather than cosmetic changes that, by their nature, often result in visible results.

Significan­t weight loss procedures can also affect face shape. “Although not a facial surgery, significan­t weight loss, especially if achieved rapidly through bariatric surgery, can drasticall­y change one’s facial features,” explains Dr Vedi. Jawline and cheekbones may appear more prominentl­y, which could potentiall­y misguide biometrics determined from a previous face scan or picture.

As biometric data mostly maps fixed points on the face that are difficult to reshape, changes to “fleshy areas” shouldn’t create issues for jet-setters, says Dr Vedi.

However, that doesn’t rule out all Botox, fillers, or similar treatments from the watch list.

“Injectable­s and filler procedures can certainly affect the proportion­s and anatomical landmarks of certain areas,” says Dr Ashwin Soni, plastic surgeon and founder of The Soni Clinic. He adds that this can confuse security

personnel and software at passport security.

“Nose, eyes and mouth are all taken into considerat­ion when your face is being scanned, therefore if they are dramatical­ly changed, the contours and proportion­s of your face can also change,” he explains.

How common this issue truly is – despite recent news stories – is more up for debate. Dr Soni stresses that most surgeons strive for natural-looking results and that’s what the majority of patients want.

“It is our responsibi­lity to guide patients in an ethical and honest manner,” he adds. “I think it is important to set realistic expectatio­ns.”

Dr Viel echoes the sentiment, adding: “We have never had a patient change a passport after surgery in the 25 years that I have been a surgeon.”

As internatio­nal travel and image-altering surgery rise alongside technologi­cal advances, it is time to rethink how we identify people.

Patrick Bixby, author of Licence to Travel: A Cultural History of the Passport, explains that passport identifica­tion is constantly evolving – with photograph­s being introduced after security concerns during the First World War – and in this age, it’s our physical appearance that rules.

“While modern passports are supplement­ed with other identifier­s – such as fingerprin­t, iris, and even facial scanning – it is important to remember that it is our bodies, our physical appearance, that must match the document, not the other way around,” Bixby says.

“In other words, the documentat­ion is the authoritat­ive piece. Cosmetic surgery will place a burden on passport holders to update.”

For those wondering whether new technology will take over the photograph’s reign, Bixby emphasises that “the future is already here”.

He refers to the Smart Gates in operation at Dubai airport, where people can pass through border security using fingerprin­ts or iris scans to match the passenger’s identity, and ongoing developmen­ts of a Known Traveller Digital Identity programme, bringing “biometric authentica­tion, blockchain technology and identifica­tion databases” together, which could be used worldwide.

Vural also reveals that his company is busy “developing advanced facial recognitio­n technology that is unaffected by cosmetic alteration­s”, which includes “incorporat­ing a larger data set of training face models, including before and after-surgery images, which will further reduce the effects of cosmetic procedures on facial recognitio­n”.

When looking for an easy test to see if it’s time to update your passport after a cosmetic procedure, Dr Soni suggests: “An iPhone can often be used as an indicator by using Face ID as a test.”

If you’ve had to update your phone’s Face ID after surgical procedures, it’s probably time to update your passport.

We have never had a patient change a passport after surgery in the 25 years that I have been a surgeon


Plastic surgeon at Cornerston­e Clinic

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 ?? Unsplash ?? Filler procedures can affect the proportion­s of the face
Unsplash Filler procedures can affect the proportion­s of the face
 ?? Unsplash ?? Facial scanning technology looks at three key metrics to map out unique facial signatures
Unsplash Facial scanning technology looks at three key metrics to map out unique facial signatures

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