What's On (Abu Dhabi)




An essential food delivery site for residents all over the UAE, Talabat not only eliminates the language barrier from overthe-phone ordering, it also lets you know which eateries deliver to your area and which


Detox Delight

If you’ve overindulg­ed in too many takeaways and feel the need to rebalance your diet with more fresh fruit and veg, Detox Delight has got your back – you can order a a fiveor 12-day “treatment” of soup, salad and juice drinks.


Room Service Deliveries

Ever wished you had room



For those looking to arrange healthier eating from the comfort of your own living room, eDiet give subscriber­s the chance to discuss diet aims with a trained expert who then suggest the kind of meals best suited to fulfilling those goals. The meals are then delivered to the

Yas Farm

Currently offers organic eggs and poultry produced in the UAE and delivered right to your door. You will need to place your order at least two days in advance of your desired delivery date, but it is difficult to get fresher fare in Abu Dhabi.


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