What's On (Abu Dhabi)


- Enjoy the issue (and the weather).

Regular readers of the What’s On editor’s letter (hello Mam) should probably be able to spot, without too much effort, a recurring theme. The weather.

It’s a fact of life in Abu Dhabi that so much of what we do – or don’t do – is driven by the seasons. I say seasons, but let’s be honest, it pretty much boils down to ‘is it summer or not’; nine months out of 12 the weather is great, it’s just those pesky three months of summer we have to contend with. That’s not to say that life in the summer is unliveable – it’s far from it, and here at

What’s On we pride ourselves on still being able to come up with a ton of fun stuff to do, despite the heat. But winter in the capital is something else – the place just comes alive.

For someone from the northeast of England (seasons: ‘cold’, ‘freezing cold’, and ‘there’s a chance something we need might snap off’), Abu Dhabi in the last few months of the year is as near to perfect conditions as I’m ever going to get.

And perfect weather means fun times, as we say hello again to outdoor concerts, festivals, sport and everything else that makes life here such a blast.

This issue of What’s On is an unashamed love-in to getting outdoors once again and enjoying the city’s great weather. From outdoor fitness to the best camping spots and sports clubs, we’ve got it all covered to help you make the most of the (pleasantly warm) great outdoors.

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