What's On (Abu Dhabi)




Arrive before nightfall.

Setting up camp in the dark can be complicate­d even for seasoned campers. Getting a head start ensures you can have everything set up, including your campfire, so you’re nice and toasty while it’s still light out.


Pitch your tents directly at the base of dunes where oncoming offroaders could plough over your camp. Shift a little further out.


For campfires, try to take firewood from a building site (do ask first) or rubbish tip beforehand. Sometimes, wood can be found in the wild, but never knock down a tree unless they are dead first – live trees don’t burn well in any case. Alternativ­ely, purchase some from roadside stalls (Dhs15 a bundle). Remember that, while campfires are an essential addition to any camping trip, make sure that yours is properly maintained at all times (and properly buried when you leave) and keep in mind that small fires are easier to control, especially during windy conditions.


Make sure you keep your shoes on at all times, or you might find yourself stepping on a few nasty creepy crawlies such as spiders, scorpions or snakes. If you do get stung by a scorpion or bitten by a snake, bandage the affected limb, do not apply ice, and seek medical attention.


Make sure everyone stays together or you at least know when people are heading off to answer the call of nature, especially at night.


Your part to minimise your eco-footprint. While embracing nature is nice, so is being ecological­ly mindful. Leave with everything you came with, especially your rubbish.

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