What's On (Abu Dhabi)

British actor David Ahmad takes to the stage in the lead role of Amir


Were you already familiar with The Kite Runner story? Why do you think it has captured audiences so comprehens­ively?

Yes, I was. I think it’s a book that most people have heard of, especially because of the film. Essentiall­y it is a human story – there is an event, or an emotion, a setting or a relationsh­ip portrayed in the book to which anyone can relate, whether that’s love, loss, guilt or hope.

The character of Amir is very nuanced. How did you go about getting into his mindset?

Like any character, you find what you can relate to from your own life, what matches Amir’s feelings and thoughts. For those things you have no experience of, you find relatable experience­s and then explore the possibilit­ies in rehearsals.

There are so many themes in both the book and the stage adaptation. What do you think is the defining message of the piece for you?

For me, it’s about redemption – how one can accept the mistakes of their past, forgive themselves and address their wrongdoing.

What have been the main challenges of bringing the story and locations to the stage?

Obviously, the story is very expansive in both its timescale and its geography and the portrayal of that is very difficult, unlike on screen. We’ve tried to retain the familiar, traditiona­l storytelli­ng in order to take the audience on this journey with us, and the retention of the narrator’s character is essential for that.

How do you feel about bringing the piece to Dubai for its Middle Eastern debut?

I’m hugely excited! I’ve not been to Dubai for nearly 20 years and there wasn’t even a theatre back then, so I am looking forward to performing for an audience that will have a deep understand­ing and appreciati­on for the characters and story.

If you had to sum up the experience of the play for audiences in five words, what would they be?

Enriching, moving, engaging, empowering and heartening.

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