Sun protection for healthy hair

- 3 june 2016 BY RIMA SONI • The one- stop home beauty solutions space — Mix two tablespoon­s of onion juice with a tablespoon of honey. Massage it into the scalp and hair. Rinse after two hours. Do this three times a week to give hair volume and protection

I’m a 27- year- old woman and I have a really large, dark birthmark on my back. I tried laser treatment but did not complete it and that seems to have stimulated the growth of hair in the region. Is there anything that can be done to lighten the mark and get rid of the hair?

I have noticed an alarming number of silver hairs on my head of late, but I’m not even 30! What I can do to stop my hair turning grey this way?

— Vani Unfortunat­ely, you cannot arrest greying — but you can keep nourishing your hair with rich oils like coconut, almond, olive or sesame. Some believe that yoga can help arrest grey hair; also, there are certain herbs that may darken the hair. Because all my treatments are simple and natural, I use black tea to tone the hair. To lighten grey hair, just keep spraying black tea onto it daily.

The skin around my nose is really dry. Do you have a natural remedy that I could use for this problem?

— Reem Take a teaspoon of oats powder and mix it with some warm milk. Apply this paste on your face and around your nose. When dry, scrub off with damp fingers. Do this three times a week. Your skin will be exfoliated and become really smooth.

My hands and feet are very rough and dry, which make me sad, as I would like soft, smooth skin. What can I do?

( Got a beauty- related query? Write to Rima Soni at wknd@ khaleejtim­es. com)

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