

• 100 gm Lindt 85% dark chocolate

• Selection of superfood nuts and fruits: • Bee pollen • Dried goji berries • Golden raisins • Almonds • Cashews • Pumpkin seeds


Melt the dark chocolate in a bain- marie ( put chocolate in a glass bowl, over a pan of boiling water and melt it gradually).

Have a sheet of wax paper ready and spoon small dollops of the chocolate onto the paper.

Use a teaspoon to smooth out the chocolate from the centre to make a small circle ( refer photo).

Press your selection of nuts and seeds carefully into the melted chocolate circle ( you can use tweezers for ease).

Move the wax paper with the chocolate circles to the fridge and leave to set for about 4- 5 hours. Serve.

For the chocolate filling: • 300 ml coconut milk • ½ tbsp coconut oil • 2 tbsp raw cacao powder • Seeds from one vanilla pod • 1 tbsp date syrup • 1 tbsp maple syrup • 1 large avocado, very ripe • 100 gm cashews, soaked

For the raspberry coulis: • 200 gm raspberrie­s, fresh • Fresh berries, to top


Preheat the oven to 180° C and place the cashews in a bowl of filtered water.

Sieve the flour into a bowl and add the butter.

Rub the butter into the flour with your fingers until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumb­s.

Add the water and mix until the dough comes together.

Wrap the dough in cling film and place in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Sprinkle flour on top of a clean surface and roll out the dough to a ½ - cm thickness.

Line your baking tray with the rolled dough, right up the edges of each compartmen­t.

Bake blind for 15 minutes and then remove from the oven.

Cover the pastry in the egg wash and bake without the beans for another 5 minutes.

Whizz up all the ingredient­s for the raw chocolate filling in a blender until smooth.

Crush the fresh raspberrie­s with a fork and layer the bottom of each square with them.

Spoon the chocolate filling over the top of the raspberrie­s and top with fresh berries of your choice.

Place in the fridge for 30 minutes to set the chocolate and then serve.

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