Experience c’est la vie ... In Dubai

Stuff that has everyone all agog with excitement


Why travel to France, when you can experience it right here in the UAE? La Môme, a homegrown French restaurant in nassima royal Hotel, is bringing talented jazz band The Presidents to perform between February 9- 11. The band hails from the French riviera and they’re sure to keep guests entertaine­d by recreating the timelessne­ss of a Parisian dinner party, and singing both classic and modern songs — in tune with the audience’s requests. If you’re looking for a taste of the French way of life, call 04- 3080470.

What i s your most cherished childhood memory? Those days when my father would pick my brother and I up from boarding school in Switzerlan­d and we would go for walks along Geneva’s Lac Léman, skipping and singing songs he would make up on the spot!

If you could move anywhere in the world for free, what place would that be? The moon. You can get the best possible view of the earth from up there.

The biggest l earning point or experience in your life. Motherhood was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. It showed me what it really means to love another person selflessly and without holding back.

I f y ou won a mil l i on bucks tomorrow, what would you do with the money? I’m particular­ly sensitive towards helpless children and the elderly. So, I would put the money to good use, making sure those who need it most get it.

What advice would you give your younger self, if you could? Never base your decisions on other’s expectatio­ns.

If you could go back to any era in time or witness any major event in history, which one would it be, and why? Favourite movie character of all time — and why. Eliza Doolittle from My Fair Lady ( pictured above). She’s the sweetest, kindest, most endearing character ever written. She’s so “loverly”!

If youwerepre­sident of your country, what is the first thing you’d do? Invest moreineduc­ation. It’s the best way to prepare for the future.

— Staff Reporter

the ‘ 20s and ‘ 30s… they were such glamorous times! i would have loved to get all dressed up in those lovely gowns and feathered hats

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