Being an avid fan of journaling ever since I was little, I still honour mypersonal ritual of writing and reflecting on the year gone by, and setting an intention for the next year. Different cultures have had their own community or individual rituals that they invoke to bring in the New Year. Different in approach they might be, but all are rooted in the same belief that what’s to come will be better.

New Year always symbolises hope, no matter which country or which generation you belong to. Curious to know how people would welcome New Year energies in the distant past, I started to research. For those of you seeking a spiritual connection during this time of transition from old to new, ancient Peruvian shamanism, Kabbalah, and yogic rituals would be interestin­g to read. In Jewish culture, the month of Elul marks the countdown to the approachin­g Jewish new year. The month before Rosh Hashanah is a time of study and self-reflection, growth and discovery to help you begin shaping the year ahead. And here are some of its takeaways that can be incorporat­ed even in our lives today.

1 Be still

In stillness, are able to reflect onthe year gone by, what worked and what didn’t. What are your key memories that stand out, and what (within your control) is it that can be changed? Be still, take long walks by yourself, journal, meditate and establish a deeper connect with yourself. Doesn’t matter if you do this once a week for 10 minutes or every day, make a start.

2 Strengthen your heart

Holding a grudge is like eating fire and expecting the other to burn. Forgivenes­s is the key to strengthen­ing your heart and emotional well-being. Forgive yourself for not standing up for yourself, for not drawing healthy boundaries, for not being present for the ones you love, and for letting yourself down in any way known or unknown. Forgive others for the same.

3 Deepen your connection with self

When we connect with ourselves, we can feel our emotions for what they are. And when we feel, we can heal. Self-connection is the first step towards healing.

4 Community spirit

Be part of the bigger picture, support a charity, meet friends, expand your circle, think beyond self.

5 Include your children

Include your children in some of the reflective work or rituals. Children have a pure and unbridled energy, use every opportunit­y to understand their innocent perspectiv­e and share yours too.

6 Align with nature

Just walking bare feet on grass or on the beach can be incredibly grounding and nourishing. Use the forces of nature to heal and flourish.

7 Move your body

Look after your body, feed it mindfully, move and stretch, allow it rest and to work at its full potential for you.

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