Points of View

A space to share your feedback. Over to you.


The real challenge

I am writing in response to the thought-provoking column published in wknd. regarding the alarming trend of young and fit individual­s succumbing to sudden heart attacks and strokes despite leading healthy lifestyles (What causes heart attacks among the young, Apr 26). The piece raises crucial questions about the gaps in cardiovasc­ular care and emphasises the importance of prevention rather than just post-heart attack interventi­on. Indeed, the informatio­n available about heart attacks is abundant, but the real challenge lies in translatin­g knowledge into action. As highlighte­d in the column, action is imperative, and this begins with addressing lifestyle factors that significan­tly impact heart health.

Raj Mankotia, by email

Laughter factory

If you missed the last (but certainly not the least!) column Shashi Tharoor’s World of Words (Ambiguous Sentences, Apr 26), you missed a great opportunit­y to laugh! His take on sentences that create ambiguity in conveying ideas provides both food for laughter and thought. Tharoor’s skillful handling of ambiguous sentences creates hilarious situations, causing readers to burst into laughter. It’s time for me to read it again for a second round.

Abdulla Kutty, by email

Self- reliance is key

The interview with the renowned communicat­ion expert Maha Abouelenin was truly engaging and enlighteni­ng (Rules of self-reliance, Apr 26). Inspired by her f ather’s teachings, Maha Abouelenin encapsulat­es the essence of self- reliance through personal anecdotes and profession­al encounters. She delves into essential practices, advising everyone to embrace a growth mindset, be a value creator, and deploy one’s greatest assets. In an era defined by rapid change and unrelentin­g uncertaint­y, mastering self- reliance is not just an option but a necessity.

Jayashree Kulkarni, by email

A new way

Breaking tradition (Apr 26) comes as a spring refresher for women who have taken a break in their careers and wish to rejoin the workforce. NMH, started by Niki Mapouras Hyder, is indeed a beacon of hope for women who wish to continue their careers after a break— a common predicamen­t faced by many women often without a way out. Thanks to NMH for bridging the gap and showing the way to women by upskilling, connecting, and providing the much- needed confidence to get back into careers of their choice.

Latha Narasimhan, by email

Power of branding

The interview with Maha Abouelenei­n is so inspiring ( Apr 26). We all have distinct personalit­ies and are on different trails, so the need to know our selfworth and improve our skills becomes imminent. Carving a niche for ourselves helps, and comparison with others harms. So, as truly stated by her, actions speak louder than words! Another important aspect she covers is about ‘unlearning’ outdated habits and being open to change.

Saifuddin S F Khomosi, by email

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