220 Triathlon


Swimming fears conquered, now let’s tick off the rest, which can include everything from potential kit conundrums to toilet troubles…



We’ll hand this one over to 220’ s resident weekend warrior, Martyn Brunt: “It wasn’t until I saw everyone else’s bikes and kit that it dawned on me how out of my depth I was, and how much of a *&S% I would look. I overcame it in my usual fashion by putting my head down and hoping for the best. The reality was that nobody minded. Those that did give me a second glance were very encouragin­g and I had people in the crowd exhorting me to run – and cheering when I did, God bless ‘em.”

If Martyn can style it out, then so can you, and just imagine how good you’ll feel gliding past a £15K Cervélo on your old shopping bike.


Practise, practise, practise – in a safe place! “I worried about using clip-in pedals, whether I could go the distance and cycling in a swimsuit,” admits Rachel Joyce, who has achieved multiple podiums in Hawaii. “To overcome this I practised in a car park clipping in and out of the pedals and only toppled over once – embarrassi­ngly very close to a bus stop!” 19 NOT BEING ABLE TO COMPLETE THE DISTANCE Completing a triathlon is an epic feat, whatever the distance. If you don’t think a super sprint of 400m swimming, 10km biking and 2.5km running is far, challenge one of your non-sporty friends to take part… and duck when they respond. Not being able to finish is a natural fear, but helps you push your boundaries and learn about yourself. As for practical steps, race simulation­s a few weeks prior to the event are a great confidence booster. You may not wish to complete the whole distance – especially if it’s Olympic distance upwards – but ticking off some element of swim, bike and run on the same day helps prepare you both physically and mentally.


Most races have a field of at least 100, so the chances of tailing in last are incredibly slim. Even if you do, you’ll have still finished ahead of the DNFs, DNSs and DNEs (Did Not Finish/Start/Enter!). Triathlons are not like running races. With competitor­s often starting at different times it’s more of a perpetual cycle – and celebratio­n – of

“If you’re of a delicate constituti­on, make a mental note of where on the course you can nip away for a comfort break”

human motion. If finishing last is a genuine fear, then you’re probably more of a completer than competer at this stage. So write down your reasons for taking part. You’ll soon realise it’s a personal challenge, and as such, the only opponents you have to beat are your own demons. 21 NOT KNOWING HOW MUCH TO EAT OR DRINK DURING THE RACE You can practise with sports nutrition products, (either liquid, solid or something gloopy) in training. Or perhaps be really cutting edge and try real food. This should give you a sense of what you like to taste, and what your gut can handle when exercising.

Come race day, you won’t go far wrong by drinking when thirsty and eating when hungry. For shorter races err on the side of caution. Whether it’s fat or carbohydra­te, our muscles are experts at using the body’s natural energy reserves to keep us going. 22 GETTING A PUNCTURE OR SUFFERING A MECHANICAL Bike woes can be avoidable or plain unlucky. The thought of being marooned on the side of the road as the competitio­n flies past is enough to give triathlete­s sleepless nights. It’s all part of racing and the sooner you accept that, the happier a racer you’ll be. But you can also prepare well. That means making sure your bike is properly serviced, with brakes and gears all in working order.

Practise changing a puncture, and make sure you have the requisite kit to change one – and inflate a new inner tube. A puncture should not equal a DNF, it just gives you a post-race tale of overcoming adversity, and an excuse for why your key rival pipped you.


There’s no proven cause of cramp but if you’ve never experience­d it when running previously, there’s no reason why it’ll happen on race day. If it does, stretch it out and ease yourself back into the race. Getting out of the saddle on the bike occasional­ly could also help loosen you up for the run.


While the queues for the mobile toilets are longer than those for a free trolley dash around Harrods, most find once the race starts any call of nature tends to subside. Of course, when everything is jiggling about you can feel the need to go – particular­ly on the run. If you’re of a delicate constituti­on, make a mental note of where on the course you can nip away for a comfort break, and perhaps stash a little loo paper in the spare pocket of your tri-suit. Q 220

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