220 Triathlon




Stand and hold something solid, and perform some leg swings out to the side to open out hips. Follow this with some glute bridges or gorilla walks to activate the glutes before doing an easy 10min jog.

MAIN SET Lunge drill

Improves range of motion and glute strength/activation. Take a big step forward into a lunge position, making sure your knee isn’t in front of your toe. Pause here to stretch the hip-flexor, then push through the floor with the glute, drive up and though into a lunge with the other leg.

Fast feet drill

Teaches you how to land with a soft, mid-forefoot action and conditions the calf muscles. Move forward slowly trying to tip-toe really fast while making the least amount of noise possible.

High-knee drill

Develops high hips and glute contractio­n. Stand tall with good posture, bring knee up to 90° and feel glute on supporting leg work, now step forward and swap.

Heel flicks

Focus on kicking a high heel for efficient recovery. Move forwards slowly kicking your heels up towards your bottom.

Straight-leg running

Helps you to pull the foot into the floor hard from the hip. Jog forward, keep your legs straight, stay on the balls of your feet.

Accelerati­on runs

Allows you to put the drill into practice over a short distance. Heel flicks into 50m accelerati­on run, focus on kicking heels up.


3 x 5 slow, single-leg calf raises, plus some light stretches

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