220 Triathlon



Prep 5mins + 30mins soaking Cook 45mins Serves 4- 6


• 300g yellow lentils • 2cm fresh ginger, peeled • 1 butternut squash, cubed • 1 litre water • 1 tsp turmeric • 1 cinnamon stick • 1 dried red chilli, crushed • 100g baby spinach For the tarka •1 tbsp oil • 1 shallot, sliced • 1 tsp black mustard seeds • 1 tsp cumin seeds • 2 cloves garlic, finely sliced • 2 fresh green chillis, chopped


Wash the lentils, soak for 30mins, drain and transfer to a large saucepan. Add the water and bring to the boil. Spoon out any froth that appears. Reduce the heat, add the squash, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon and simmer for 30mins until the lentils are soft and creamy. Remove the ginger. Stir in 1tsp salt, lots of black pepper and the spinach.


For the tarka, heat the oil in a small pan. Add the cumin and mustard seeds. When they start to sizzle, reduce the heat, and sauté the shallot until soft. Add the garlic and sauté until just brown.


Swirl the tarka into the lentils. Taste for seasoning, serve with the green chilli on top, basmati rice or chapatti.

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