220 Triathlon


Smash out this final three-month block of training to ensure Ironman race-day success…


Race day is getting closer, the accommodat­ion is booked, you’ve chosen your race kit, now all you need to do is complete the peak phase of training and you’re ready. Easy right?

At this stage of your irondistan­ce prep, you’ll have covered off the Base and the Build phase and should have already banked heaps of miles. You should also be able to estimate your race-day targets, which will help when it comes to pacing the vital, ‘big’ training sessions. As a rough guide, you should already be swimming 3km in a session, have completed a couple of 120km rides and run a half marathon. The last phase of iron-distance race prep is about ticking boxes, covering key distances for confidence and using them to discover race pace, and the inclusion of sessions to stress your lactate threshold so that you don’t become a one-pace plodder.

A key ‘session’ is to actually go out and train at race pace, so we’ve included a half-irondistan­ce race in week six. This is a great time to test yourself, and allow time for recovery before building up to the final major sessions. If possible, try to choose a test race that simulates the kind of course you’ll tackle on fulliron-distance race day.

We’ve included open-water swim practice, so as long as the water temperatur­es are okay get the wetsuit on and go for it.

Looking to just complete? It’s important that you still aim to cover the distances in the big long workouts – you must have that confidence to go into race day. Consider taking an occasional rest day if the training volume is causing major fatigue – you don’t have to include as much of the interval training, where you’re working faster than your estimated race pace.

Aiming to compete? The longdistan­ce sessions in the plan are enough to ensure you’ve got miles in your legs. But you can increase the duration of the interval workouts, in particular the bikes by adding further reps in the main set. You can also increase the suggested speeds in the intervals, working in excess of race pace.

Ironman racing is not a sport where you can cut corners, so a well-executed plan is a must. Commit to this last phase of the build-up and race well!

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 ??  ?? 2019 RACES Need some event inspiratio­n? Check out this month’s free, 28-page Race Guide.
2019 RACES Need some event inspiratio­n? Check out this month’s free, 28-page Race Guide.

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