220 Triathlon


What S&C work do you do and why? What are the must-do exercises that you think all triathlete­s should include? Brendan Packer

- TIM DON is a multiple ITU world champion and 3 x Olympian. Now one of the fastest Ironmans in the world, he’s here to answer all your racing questions and concerns.

Strength and conditioni­ng work is such an integral part of any pro triathlete’s weekly training schedule, I really can’t stress enough how important it is. And I always say consistenc­y is king – give me 10 average sessions over two to three amazing sessions and seven not so good ones.


To be consistent you need to be able to sustain a certain amount of training to improve at a steady rate without breaking down through fatigue, but not getting over-fatigued. So why do we break down? Maybe if we’re ill or overworked with the day job and/or family, or if we get injured – maybe not a full-blown stress fracture or torn muscle (hopefully we stop well before then and seek a profession­al opinion!) – but it breaks that consistent cycle and, well, then we start to panic and make bad decisions about our training. Amateurs and pro’s alike, we’re all guilty, even myself! Ha!


A solid strength and conditioni­ng programme that addresses your weaknesses as well as basic overall conditioni­ng, should be a part of your weekly schedule. Whether it’s twice a week or even just once a week, it’s better than zero times a week.

Are there any Holy Grail exercise or specific S&C coaches who hold all the answers? No way! It’s got to fit you and your weaknesses and strengths. There are at least 10 different exercises that strengthen the same muscle group, it’s just personal preference. Some of the exercises that are key to keeping me in check and hopefully consistent with my training are based around my core and single-leg/arm exercises, so I can see any imbalances and try and correct them and even them out.


I also do most of my work barefoot, and at least once a week my gym session is done towards the end of the day after a swim, bike or run or even after two sessions so I’m slightly fatigued and really have to work hard and feel a deep burn!

I’d start on the foam roller on my back, quads, calves, hamstrings, lats – that hurts – neck, of course and even my sternum and front of my ankles. I’d then use a trigger ball on my glutes. Then I move onto some basic mobility work, such as hip openers.


I personally like to group three exercises into a mini circuit, say a deadlift with a Hex Bar, a single-leg hamstring curl on a Swiss ball and a chest press with my shoulders on a Swiss ball. I do 10-15 reps of each, repeat three times, rest, then move on. I spend about 45-60mins in the gym, but then I do have time on my hands!


Some exercises that I’d recommend 99% of all triathlete­s do are calf raises on a step – start at 10 reps x 3 and build up to 20 x 3. I’d also recommend doing some work on your core – front and side planks, start off by holding them for 30secs. As you improve, go up to 60secs in 10sec increments.


I’d also recommend some glute bridges, lying on your back pushing your hips up and contractin­g your glutes. Start with 3 x 10 reps, progressin­g to single leg and then on to the Swiss ball. If you master that single leg (keeping your hips level as you go down and up) progress to doing a single leg on the Swiss ball. But remember, we only need to be strong enough to manage our training load – not Superman or Wonder Woman!


It’s all about control – slow and relaxed rather than going for more reps on all of the above exercises, as oppose to heavy heavy. I mean, you want to be able to train the next day right?!


Technique and form in the gym are key, not brute strength. This kind of work has to complement you and not smash you to bits. But do it often and you’ll reap the rewards that’s for sure, even in race season. Maybe not the day before a race, though, that’s just crazy!

Need some advice from The Don? Send an email to askthedon@220triathl­on.com

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