220 Triathlon




Give yourself plenty of time before the race to learn the transition flow and where the entry and exit points are. Allow time to see the swim route and take a mental picture of the course. This will help to visualise the best line and account for potential directiona­l issues.


I always wear old socks or cheap flip-flops that I can throw away at the start line to walk to the swim start in. My feet get so cold and I need to keep them as warm as I can before I enter the water.


Have all your kit, nutrition and equipment ready and in good working order. If you raced last year, check for any tears and nicks on your wetsuit and race tyres. Don’t try anything new on race day is classic advice, and it’s still as relevant as ever! Have a plan for technical issues on the bike, like a flat, and practise how to fix it.


As the race starts to get closer, stresses and energies from other competitor­s increase. This could cause a rush of negative thoughts and the prospect of racing could feel overwhelmi­ng. It’s important to take control of your emotions: focus on slow controlled breaths, keeping your heart rate low and staying relaxed.


Being stressed out because of a time crunch is one of the worst ways to start a race, but the best thing about it is that it’s completely avoidable! Plan in enough time, especially if you’re new in the game.


Often you’re put in a pen for 20mins and can get thirsty. Always take a quarter bottle of water to the start line to drink or clear your goggles with. You’d be amazed at how many people ask if they can have some!

“Being stressed out before the start of your race is completely avoidable if you plan in enough time”


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