220 Triathlon


Four types of tri-suit designs for a variety of race experience­s



The two-piece tri-suit (made famous by pro athletes Kenny Souza and Faris Al-Sultan) has made a mini-resurgence recently, with improved hem tech ensuring that the top doesn’t ride up and the shorts stay in place. The obvious advantage is the convenienc­e they offer on race day, especially for Ironman. Negative points include an aerodynami­c penalty, not ideal for the swim (you’ll have to add the top in T1) and more emphasis required to find a good fit. Pictured is Dhb’s Classic (£67) two-piece.


Despite the growth of sleeved tri-suits, the classic vested suit still has its place in triathlon, especially for shorter races. The lack of arms ensures an unrestrict­ed swim stroke and a lack of wet sleeves on the bike, while they can be better for athletes who struggle in the heat and a reduction in the amount of fabric can mean cheaper prices. Downsides include a lack of UV protection from the sleeves and an aerodynami­c (and, for us, an aesthetic) penalty. Seen here is the 2XU Perform (£110, reviewed on p78).


Suits without a front zip are often called ITU-style suits, and they feature a rear zipper on men’s styles and either a swim suit-style back or rear zipper on women’s. The advantages are increased hydrodynam­ics for nonwetsuit swims (making them ideal for pool triathlons) and comfort, with no chances of the zip rubbing on chests. Disadvanta­ges include a lack of practicali­ty for toilet stops and difficulty lowering the zip for cooling (if the race rules allow it). The image shows Zone3’s Lava (£139), reviewed on p80.


Short-sleeved tri-suits were only truly establishe­d half a decade ago, but they’ve since experience­d a surge in popularity and tech advancemen­ts. They should offer improved aerodynami­cs if the fit is precise, better looks (especially if you don’t have Popeye-esque biceps) and protection from UV rays. The key is ensuring the sleeves don’t inhibit your swim stroke, the seams don’t rub under the arms and you don’t suffer from overheatin­g on the arms. Pictured is the Zulu from Stolen Goat (£160).

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