220 Triathlon


Relieve muscle soreness and fatigue, and lower cholestero­l for heart health, with these dishes rich in omegas 3, 6 and 9

- Nutritioni­st and keen amateur athlete Kate Percy set up the #GoFaster campaign in 2009 and, following the publicatio­n of several sports nutrition books, now produces a range of all-natural energy balls, Go Bites (go-bites.com).

Omegas are known to carry a host of health benefits, but why exactly should you fill up on them?

Essential omega-3 and omega-6 are healthy unsaturate­d fats, which the body can’t naturally make. We therefore need to get them from the food that we eat, such as oily fish, certain nuts and seeds, and eggs. Omega-9, on the other hand, can be produced by the body. All three omegas carry a whole host of benefits, including helping to reduce inflammati­on, optimising brain function, and supporting the cardiovasc­ular and immune systems, making them ideal for the active triathlete.

Sharing some of her favourite omegapacke­d recipes, it’s over to our expert nutritioni­st, Kate Percy…

First up, my Avocado & Cucumber

Lassi is a liquid option for those who find it hard to get anything solid down them post-swim. This spiced yoghurt-based Indian drink is not only creamy, smooth and incredibly refreshing, it’s a brilliant source of healthy fats, protein, carbs and fibre to replenish depleted energy levels and help muscles recover.

It took me a long time to bring myself to trying a chia pudding as I’ve always been put off by its frogspawn appearance! Now, I’m addicted to the stuff, especially this lightly-spiced version: Chai Chia Pudding.

Delicious and highly nutritious to boot, rich in omega-3 and fibre, as well as protein, vitamins and minerals, you can prepare this dish the night before, even pop it into a tupperware to transport to work if you like.

Moving on to these delicious, fresh-tasting Chimichurr­i Salmon

Parcels. Treat yourself to a dose of oily fish once or twice a week to get in your omega-3s. Open up your individual parcel, breathe in the delicious herby aromas and mop up the juices with some wholemeal couscous or bread.

Lastly is this light Blueberry, Pear, Spinach and Blue Cheese Salad.

Packed with vitamin C, flavonoids (antioxidan­ts which limit free radical damage) and omega-3s, this quick and-easy, delicious salad is a meal in itself. Once lockdown is more relaxed, you could even serve it as a side or dinner party starter.

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