911 Porsche World


- Dan Furr Editor @Danfurr

We’ve enjoyed a hugely positive response to the last couple of issues of 911 & Porsche World, with a spike in subscripti­on numbers and increased commercial interest encouragin­g a jump to 132 pages, starting with the issue you’re holding in your hands (or viewing on your ithingie). It’s something I was keen to see happen from the moment I was appointed as editor of the world’s best-selling monthly Porsche magazine, and gives me even more flexibilit­y when it comes to squeezing exciting content into each feature-packed issue. Lockdown restrictio­ns have, of course, played their part in trying to thwart best laid plans, certainly as far as photo shoots and test drives are concerned, but I’m proud of how my talented team of contributo­rs has been able to work safely to bring you the articles and photograph­s across the following pages. It’s something we’re working hard to ensure continues with as little disruption as possible.

You’re reading the March issue of 911 & Porsche World, but at the time of writing these introducto­ry words, it’s a cold, damp day in mid-january. While I’m looking forward to pulling the next few issues of the magazine together in what I sincerely hope will be a more positive twelve months for everyone, now seemed like a good time to look back at events shaping the Porsche world in 2020. Granted, it was a year most of us would like to forget, but for Porschephi­les, there was much to be pleased about. Yes, really! Don’t believe me?! In this issue, we’ve charted a selection of 2020’s good news stories, month-by-month. Let’s hope for a swift return to something resembling normality. Until then, stay safe and keep well.

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