A weekend in…


To fit in in Barcelona, you might want to speak a few words of Catalan. Of course, every local speaks Spanish as well, but making the effort to immerse yourself in the local tongue will be much appreciate­d. If you speak a bit of Spanish, Portuguese or Fre


Pronounce Catalan like a local

Unlike Spanish, Catalan can be quite tricky to read. Many letters are pronounced in the most unlikely of ways. Yet, there are some ground rules for speaking Catalan properly. First and foremost, the letter ‘x’ is often (not always) pronounced as a ‘ch’. So, xocolata (chocolate) is pronounced [chokolata]. Also perplexing is the fact that Catalan has three different ‘L’s: the l, the ll and the l·l. The first, you pronounce as a regular [l], as in ‘love’. The second, the ‘ll’ is pronounced as [lj], as in the Slovenian capital ‘Ljubljana’. The third – and most peculiar – one, the l·l or geminate l, is pronounced as a ‘fat l’. To pronounce it correctly, you must place the tip of your tongue way higher on your palate and relax your tongue muscles as much as possible. Oh, you also don’t pronounce ‘h’, and ‘e’ is sometimes pronounced as an ‘a’. Don’t worry too much about all these rules, though. Even for immigrants living in Catalonia for many years already, the new native language remains a true tongue twister.

Parles Català?

Hola Hello

Adéu Goodbye

Bon dia Good morning

Bona tarda Good afternoon

Bona nit Good evening

Com estàs? How are you?

Si us plau Please

Senyor Sir

Senyora Madam

Gràcies Thank you

No parlo Català. I don’t speak Catalan. Parles Anglès? Do you speak English? Ajuda’m! Help me!

Demà Tomorrow

Ahir Yesterday

On es troba …? Where can I find the …? Carrer … … Street

M’encanta Barcelona I love Barcelona Què podeu recomanar?

What can you recommend?

Vi blanc i negre White and red wine

Cafè Coffee

El compte, si us plau

The check, please

Un banc A bank l’Estació de ferrocarri­l

Un hospital A hospital

L’aeroport An airport

The railway station

 ??  ?? Espigo del Bogatell.
Espigo del Bogatell.

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