A weekend in…


Although located above the Belgian language border (which separates the Dutch-speaking north from the Frenchspea­king south), Brussels is a bilingual city – on paper, at least. In practice, however, the street language is French and French only.


About half of the natives only speak French, compared to just five per cent who strictly speak Dutch only. The rest usually speak them both, or speak one of the many other languages spoken in the Belgian capital. The city is home to 180 different nationalit­ies which speak around 104 different mother tongues, making it the second-most multi-cultural city in the world, after Dubai. Today, there are even more native English speakers than native Dutch speakers in Brussels. Yet, to integrate as well as possible: here is a brief glossary of both tongues. But beware, real ‘Bruxellois’ tend to switch from Dutch to French and back in one and the same sentence.

Bonjour Hello

Au revoir Goodbye

Bon matin Good morning/afternoon Bonsoir Good evening

Comment ça va? How are you?

S’il vous plaît Please

Monsieur Sir

Madame Madam

Merci Thank you

Je ne parle pas Français. Parlez-vous Anglais? I don’t speak French. Do you speak English?

Peuvez-vous m’aider? Can you help me?

Demain Tomorrow

Hier Yesterday

Ou est le/la …? Where can I find the


Rue… …Street

J’adore Bruxelles! I love Brussels!

Que pouvez-vous recommende­r? What would you recommend?

Une bière A beer

Un café A coffee

L’addition, s’il vous plaît. The bill, please.

Une banque A bank

La gare The railway station

L’hôpital A hospital

L’aéroport An airport

Spreekt u Nederlands?

Hallo Hello

Tot ziens Goodbye

Goedemorge­n Good morning Goedemidda­g Good afternoon Goedenavon­d Good evening

Hoe gaat het? How are you? Alstublief­t Please

Meneer Sir

Mevrouw Madam

Dankuwel Thank you

Ik spreek geen Nederlands? Spreekt u Engels? I don’t speak French. Do you speak English?

Kan u mij helpen? Can you help me? Morgen Tomorrow

Gisteren Yesterday

Waar is de/het… Where can I find the …?

…straat …Street

Ik hou van Brussel! I love Brussels! Wat kan u me aanbevelen? What would you recommend?

Een pint A beer

Een koffie A coffee

De rekening, alstublief­t. The bill, please.

Een bank A bank

Het station The railway station

Het ziekenhuis A hospital

De luchthaven An airport

 ??  ?? Place Poelaert.
Place Poelaert.

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