Accrington Observer




WHAT you’ve been saying on our Facebook page:

Looking back: Do you remember when rationing was not so sweet for shoppers (July 24 and website) Chris Hall: August and everyone’s wearing an overcoat! Ian Ormerod: I remember when virtually everything was rationed and it didn’t end until the Coronation. They couldn’t have all that opulence on show and the subjects still endur- ing rationing. Carole Blood: Looks like the old Co-op or Redlams in Union Street. Annie Carlin: Asda in Blackburn Road. Mary O’Kane: Yes, I do – people think I’m making it up when I tell them.

Multi-million Whitebirk business park plans get go ahead (July 24) Chris Dean: Brilliant idea, just what we need, more empty shopping areas, probably fit a few more fast food shops in there though, because in this age of the obese child we need those. Who needs trees and grass? Just get in the way of progress – give me concrete any day, doesn’t need mowing either. Josh Blayne Allen: I will admit, after seeing more plans and how it will connect via Blackburn Road in Knuzden, that I am coming around to the idea. Although I don’t have to live next to it and can see it being horrible to look at. Christophe­r Brindle: Wonderful news, here’s to 2,000 jobs from a field that would otherwise be sat completely empty and useless. Much needed economic stimulus for Hyndburn.

Hyndburn residents owe £5.5m in unpaid council tax (page 2 and website) Ken Moss: Unpaid, not unchased. There are nine council letters sent out before it gets anywhere near the bailiffs, if people have trouble paying then get in touch. The council isn’t a monster, it’s there to help.

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