Accrington Observer

‘Middle man’ drug dealer is spared jail



A‘GO middle man’ cannabis dealer has been spared jail.

A court heard Chad McMurrough, 23, supplied friends and associates with the Class B drug at least ‘once or twice a week’.

McMurrough, of Richmond Street, Accrington, was handed a 12 month sentence, suspended for two years, after admitting possessing cannabis with intent to supply.

He was caught after being stopped by police on his motorbike on Hyndburn Road for not

to having lights on.

Burnley Crown Court heard how officers encountere­d ‘a strong smell of cannabis’ and McMurrough admitted he had been taking drugs when challenged.

His bag was searched and £65 worth of cannabis was recovered along with a bong and a phone which had text messages on it relating to the sale and purchase of cannabis.

McMurrough’s home was subsequent­ly searched and further drugs parapherna­lia was seized along with a notebook detailing how to deal in cannabis.

Specialist officers examined his phone and found a high volume of traffic organising the sale of cannabis varying from £10 to £100 in value between January 21 and August 22 2014.

Prosecutin­g Alison Heyworth said: “There was traffic showing him purchasing and selling, the defendant was sending and receiving texts once or twice a week to supply various amounts.

“The defendant would send a round robin text advertisin­g that he had cannabis.

“He was the go to middle man for cannabis.”

Defending Daniel Prowse said: “This is his first serious conviction before the courts, he would welcome any help offered.”

Sentencing Judge Lunt said: “You were adamant you were not a drug dealer, I can tell you, yes you are.

“You would supply friends from your own supply and if you did not have any you would direct them to were they could find cannabis, that is drug dealing.

“You pleaded guilty and you’re still only 23 and you have been going through a rough time.

“Other than this incident you have been keeping out of trouble.

“I warn you if you commit any other offence you will be appearing back before me and this sentence will kick in.”

McMurrough was also given a 12 month supervisio­n order and told that he needed assistance from the probation service.

 ??  ?? Chad McMurrough in a picture taken from Facebook
Chad McMurrough in a picture taken from Facebook

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